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Users > RexBaron > WoodTx

Wood Treatment Recipes

Black Glossy

  130 Water, 20 Beeswax, 30 Oil, 30 Petroleum, 10 Lead, 10 Oil 

Glossy White

  121 water 186 beeswax 40 Sulfur 60 Lime

Glossy Blonde

  121 water 186 beeswax 40 Sulfur

Hard Rotproof Glossy

  300 oil, 40 petroleum, 20 beeswax, 50 sulfur, 20 beeswax

Rotproof Nontoxic

  60 lime 30 water 70 wax

Rotproof Termite Resistant

  120 Oil, 40 Beeswax, 130 Saltpeter, 60 Lead, 90 beeswax

Nontoxic White

  50 Saltpeter, 10 Potash, 2 Saltpeter

Hard White

  10 Oil, 100 Sulfur, 10 Saltpeter, 10 Potash, 10 Lead


  30 Water

Pliable, Fireproof, Blonde

  100 Oil, 30 Ash, 30 Water, 10 Sulfur, 30 Potash, 40 Lime (do 10 lime at a time to verify) 

Pliable Soft Nontoxic Blonde

  160 Saltpeter

Pliable Soft Rotproof

  240 Beeswax, 30 Ash, 50 Saltpeter

Pliable Hard Volatile

  50 Oil, 6 Saltpeter, 10 Lime, 60 Sulfur, 10 Saltpeter, 10 Sulfur, 10 Ash

Pliable Rotproof

   90 Oil, 30 Beeswax, 30 Saltpeter

Pliable White Boards

    100 Saltpeter, 20 Lime 

Pliable Termite-Resistant

    60 Ash, 60 Saltpeter, 20 Petroleum, 20 Oil, 20 Ash, 5 Petroleum

Rigid Hard Fireproof Termite-prone Blonde

  100 lime, 60 sulfur, 10 lime, 5 Lead

Rigid Rotproof Nontoxic

   60 Sulfur, 40 Lime, 30 Water, 20 Oil, 20 Beeswax 

Rigid Hard Fireproof Termite-prone Blonde

   170 Lime, 80 Sulfur, 20 Lime

Rigid Hard Fireproof Rotproof

   170 Lime, 80 Sulfur, 20 Lime, 60 Beeswax, 10 Lime, 4 Lead

Volatile, Rotproof, Termite-Resistant, Nontoxic

   70 Sulfur, 20 Lime, 20 Water, 30 Oil, 40 Saltpeter, 20 Petroleum

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Last edited September 22, 2008 5:09 am by RexBaron (diff)
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