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Users > Sabt-Pestnu > Beer Hunter

Tanis Yeast hunting

Warning, this is the raw data. You want to find useable yeasts, see Tanis Yeasts er, well, the yeast link off of there that I created moments ago.

              Map of Egypt


Yeast results


Location Yeast results Timing
4290, 6924 A46, Y72, L29, M31, Y51, Y32...
4300, 6899 (1550) Y42, (1500) A62, Y9, Y25, A14, M23, Y18, Y14, L28, M7, Y16 Y42@1550
4310, 6923 Y72, L29, A46, M31, Y51, A86, Y56, L13, Y32, L100 Y72 @ 1500
4299, 6879 Y42, A62, Y25, A14, Y9, M23, L28, Y18...
4281, 6875 Y42, A14, M23, Y25, A62, Y83, Y9, Y18 ...
4273, 6937 L29, L93, A86, Y91, A46, L61, L100, Y72 ...
4300, 6935 Y72, L29, A46, M31, A86, Y56, Y51...
4289, 6967 L93, Y56, A86, Y72, M31, L29, Y83, Y65, M23, M7, A46, L13, L100, Y97, Y32, L44, L61, L28, Y18
4265, 6994 L93, L29, Y65, Y72, A86, L28, M31, Y83, M23, L61, Y32, Y56, Y73, L44, L100, Y51, M63
4284, 6985 L93, L29, A86, Y72, Y65, L28, M23, L61, Y51, L44, L100, M7, M31, Y56, Y88, Y17, Y24, Y83, A46, Y32
4249, 7125 (1100) Y50, (1000) M55, M39, (900) Y73, L69, Y19, L93, M79, Y32, Y3, Y59, Y98, L28, Y67, L4 Y50 @ 1000
4265, 7015 L93, A86, L28, L29, M23, Y65, Y83, Y56, Y72, Y73, M31, M63, Y32, Y88, L4, Y17, Y18, L44, Y97
4296, 6996 A86, L93, M23, Y83, L29, Y56, Y32, Y48, Y72, L23, M7, L5, M31
4285, 7015 A86, L93, L28, Y65, M23, Y56, Y83, L29, Y97, L44, Y72, M63, M79, M31, L4, Y73, Y17, Y48, Y88

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Last edited March 15, 2007 7:21 pm by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)