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Users > Sabt-Pestnu > Quarantine Protocols


Give the procession of events, I have dropped this bill.


In response to the recent outbreak of disease:

Known Carrier: any person who shows overt signs of the Lung Spore disease (or other identified disease), or who tests positive for it shall be designated a Known Carrier until such time as they are cured.

Quarantine protocols:

Known Carriers will be advised to wear entirely red clothing and wear a distinctive chat bubble. If they elect at any time to do so, they must do so until cured.

When any Known Carrier approaches within 20 meters of a chariot stop, anyone who choses to travel to that stop will be advised that there is a Known Carrier at their destination, and have the option not to travel there.

When a Known Carrier chooses to travel via a chariot stop, all people within 20 meters of the destination stop will be advised that there is a Known Carrier arriving (text in main), 30 seconds before said arrival, granting them time to move away if desired.

Cure Dispersal: Distinctive "Treatment Storage Chests" may be established at various locations. Any person may deposit materials (including recipes) used for the treatment of the disease. Chariot staff will be appraised of any such chests within a reasonable radius, and inform any who ask where they lie (menu option on chariot stop building).

Known Carriers (only) may withdraw the materials they need (but no more) for a cure, from these chests.

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Last edited March 13, 2007 2:47 am by Sabt-Pestnu (diff)
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