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Users > Tay-O-Nas > DP

I am going to follow Cathy's example with this, I think the questions she has chose to answer on her page are quite relevant and often asked!

1) Tell us a bit about yourself?

Okay I am 32 and I live in Canberra, Australia. I am a data analyst working for the Aust Government, my job deals with refugees and such on a daily basis [btw I LOVE my job]. I live with my menagerie of animals whom i adore.

2) How long have you been playing ATITD?

I first logged in 187 days ago. This is the first online game I have ever played, I play pretty much everyday.

3) What makes you desire to pass the DP test?

For a considerable amount of time I have believed that this test was for longer term, more experienced players of this game. The round I was in before last I had a very wonderful conversation with a DP who convinced me that I probably fell into that catagory now :). So this is the first time I have actively sought DP for myself. I was voted through a round into the second round previously (ie I have my principle) but gave my vote then to another play who was more suited than I at that point. I would like to pass DP because I would like to have some effect at 'moderating' ATITD. I believe I am a level-headed person who makes decision on evidence and fact rather than emotion (its what I do for a living!). I want to be involved with ATITD because I care, and being DP will help me be more involved.

4) In what way do you believe DP is/is not a leadership test?

I think DP can fall under the popularity vote, and that won't necessarily get a leader voted through as DP. But I also believe that if enough people take it seriously that that wouldnt happen.

5) What are your expectations of someone who is voted through to the DP position?

That their judgements will be fair, that they will not abuse their position or power, that they be approachable at all times, listen to issues fully, mediate situations that need to be, and use their powers when and where they feel it necessary.

6) What characteristic would make you not vote for someone?

Maturity. It was a topic that came up in my second round and made me think of it. Age is not an issue, however maturity of a person would be something I would need to be assured of before voting.

7) When is it okay to lie?

To outright lie, I would like to think that that was never necessary. To 'conceal the truth' I think may be at times to avoid throwing oil onto an already enflamed situation which has been dealth with and now on its way to smoldering out. To be honest I would think of that sort of response as much more diplomatic or a tactful response than as a lie.

8) Where are you on banning?

I think banning is an act of last resort or a response to extreme behaviour. I much prefer the name and shame approach that I have seen used in some situations, however if that doesnt work or moderate behaviour then the person leaves no choice for a DP but to ban.

9) Who has access to my account?

Just my online husband, Aveege. I think alot of players know him already and he is a very nice person.

Final words:
This is a really great game, which contains some really great people. I have enjoyed every minute i have spent here, much aided by so many good friends and a wonderful hubbie :) I love a laugh (as so may of you know), I love the community spirit. Whether you vote me DP or not thats not gonna change, you'll just be harrassed until you do vote me DP hehehe

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Last edited June 14, 2008 10:00 pm by Tay-O-Nas (diff)
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