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Users > Telanoc > Petitions > Cistern

Petition by Telanoc (67 signatures, 1 petitioners) Last Turned in 3 days ago with 70 Signatures. Legal Opinion: Gameidea


Oh Great and Glorious Pharaoh, we beseech you! With all the marvels that our wondrous scientists can create, can they not create a better system to our very lifeblood, that gift of the Nile, water and its unsavory cousin, Sulphurous Water? Surely with all their brilliant minds they devise a better system then simple storage in jugs!

(Practical Details: What is requested is a cistern, of appropriate cost, that can be built by a player that can hold the equivalent of 2,000 jugs either water or sulphurous water, not both at the same time, for an indefinite amount of time)

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Last edited April 10, 2007 2:59 am by Telanoc (diff)