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Users > Telanoc > Petitions > Council

Petition by Telanoc (52 signatures, 1 petitioners) Last Turned in 3 days ago with 55 Signatures. Legal Opinion: Feature

Council of the Pharaoh

[Not really a law, but a good idea - I'll try to schedule some of these. -Pharaoh]

Henceforth, Pharaoh will be compelled to have a question and answer session so that the people of Egypt may put forth to him questions, concerns, and other input as to the operation of the game. These sessions will be conducted under the following conditions:

- They shall be held no less then once per Egyptian month - They shall be held at time to allow the maximum participation for all citizens of the game - They shall be held in a venue that is accessible from anywhere in Egypt and allows for the citizens to give input, such as ENN - They shall be announced ahead of time by at least 24 hours, via the calendar, to give the people time to prepare clear and articulate questions - The citizens will respect that Pharaoh's time is limited, and cannot devote many hours on end to these sessions, and therefore they will be limited to one (1) hour - Pharaoh will retain editorial control of what questions are asked for relevance and content. While it is not possible to enforce limitations of questions, it is expected that they apply to things that could effect the community as a whole, not one person.

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Last edited April 10, 2007 2:58 am by Telanoc (diff)