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Users > Telanoc > Petitions > Permissions

Petition by Telanoc (33 signatures, 2 petitioners) Last Turned in 3 days ago with 32 Signatures. Legal Opinion: Bill Ballot Status: pass Implementation Status: pending

General Permissions Law

What does this law mean? This law will make it so that petitions like "Melted Glass Preservation", "Hookah Act" are feature requests instead of laws. Voting for this law will have the same effect as voting for "public buildings protections act revised" and at the same time pass all laws like it in the future. [To clarify: If this law is passed, I will from now on classify all such petitions as feature requests rather than laws. I will balance the difficulty of implementation (typically not too hard) with the number of signatures on the feature request, to determine if/when to implement. -Pharaoh]

Law: For any functionality of a building it is legal for the owner(s) to arbitrarily control how each player may interact with said functionality.

Given that this is impossible to code, legal will be taken to mean that any petition which requests bringing the implementation closer to this ideal will be treated as a feature request, unless the petition makes additional requests which would otherwise be classified as a law.

For the purposes of this law these words will have the following definitions.

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Last edited April 10, 2007 3:01 am by Telanoc (diff)
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