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Users > Teper > Vines > Teper9

Teper #9

Vine will give Grapes and Quality with some sugar using the sugested tends -
120-140 Grapes
80-100 Qual
30-40 Sugar
in about 17 tends
These figures are average stats. It is possible to get more and less than numbers quoted. If you get less than the minimum quoted the vinyard is simply not suited for the vine - grow something else on it.

Vines can be collected from a chest near the chariot stop in Karnak (1386, -856) or from my home in a chest at 704 -704

Starting stats

0 0 11 0 0 0 100

Sugested Tends

ConditionTendGrapesQualitySugarVigorOther info
Sagging Spread out the Vines 11 5 3 -8
Wilting Shade the Leaves 12 5 1 -5
Musty Spread out the Vines 5 -1 0 -1
Fat Shade the Leaves 5 5 4 -2use Tie to increase grapes alot and decrease all other stats (12/-3/-2/-2)
Rustle Trim the lower leaves 9 -1 0 -1*See note below
Rustle Tie the vines to the Trellis +7 +5 +3 -13*See note below
Shrivel Aerate the Soil 4 6 1 -2use PO to increase grapes and decrease sugar (6/6/0/-2)
Shimmer Pinch off Weakest Stems -1 8 1 -5use Aerate to increase grapes alot and decrease all other stats (11/-3/-2/-13)

-- Note --
2 possible tends for rustle - Trim will increse the number of tends from and average of 19 to 29. It will also give increased stats as a result BUT Tie will give you your grapes faster. Trim will probably not give a 1/3 increse in stats for your 10 extra tendings. The choice is yours! (I use both - whatever the mood takes me)

Full Stats

Vines are sagging a bit:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil-1+4-2+5-2+3-14
Mist the Grapes+2-2 +3 -4 -2 +3 -3
Pinch off Weakest Stems+2-3-9-6+3+3-9
Shade the Leaves-3+1-1+7-10-12
Spread out the Vines-3-3+11+5+3+3-8
Tie the vines to the Trellis-2+1+4+5+1-2-10
Trim the lower leaves+3-1+4+4-3-1-8

Leaves are Wilting:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil +1+4+2+7-3+3-14
Mist the Grapes +2-2-9+3+2-3-14
Pinch off Weakest Stems-2 -2 +2 +2 +4 -2 -11
Shade the Leaves-2-1+12+5+3+1-5
Spread out the Vines0+2+7+4+4-3-6
Tie the vines to the Trellis-1+3 -3 -5 +3 +4 -9
Trim the lower leaves-2 -3 +2 -6 +1 -2 -10

A musty smell can be detected:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil+3+3+1+1-1-2-2
Mist the Grapes00-2-6+3+1-5
Pinch off Weakest Stems+4-2-7+5+1-3-11
Shade the Leaves-3+2+9-2+3-1-7
Spread out the Vines+1+1+5-1+40-1
Tie the vines to the Trellis+1+3+7+6+2-2-13
Trim the lower leaves-3-1-70+3+2-5

Stems look especially fat:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil+4+4+10+8-3-2-13
Mist the Grapes+1-2-5+8-1+3-11
Pinch off Weakest Stems+1+2-5+5+1+1-11
Shade the Leaves-2-1+5+50+4-2
Spread out the Vines+3+2+8-10+3-9
Tie the vines to the Trellis+4+3+12-3-3-2-2
Trim the lower leaves +3+4-9-4+30-1

Leaves rustle in the breeze:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil-1-34-50-3-9
Mist the Grapes+4+1-5-50+4-7
Pinch off Weakest Stems+1+4-10+4+3-12
Shade the Leaves+30-3-1-3+1-6
Spread out the Vines+2 -1 +11 -6 +2 -2 -6
Tie the vines to the Trellis 0 0 +7 +5 +2 +3 -13
Trim the lower leaves+1 +2 +9-1 +1 0 -1

Starting to shrivel:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil-3+4+4+6+2+1-2
Mist the Grapes-2+3+3+1-1+4-10
Pinch off Weakest Stems+4+3+6+6-10-2
Shade the Leaves-3+1+5+8+3+1-11
Spread out the Vines+2+4-8-2+3+2-2
Tie the vines to the Trellis0+4+4-3+4-3-4
Trim the lower leaves-20+3-3+2-3-10

Leaves Shimmer with Moisture:

TendMethodAcidColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigorOther info
Aerate the Soil -2-2+11 -6 +1 -2-13
Mist the Grapes +3 0 -4+5+1 +4 -7
Pinch off Weakest Stems +3 0 -1 +8 -3 +1 -5
Shade the Leaves -30-5-6+10-13
Spread out the Vines 00-2-4+1-1-14
Tie the vines to the Trellis-3-3-5-50+3-6
Trim the lower leaves +1+4-5-3-11-14

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Last edited October 2, 2006 12:13 pm by Teper (diff)