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Lately I been doing a lot of research in many things. They may come across as little things, some are still inconclusive, but when fully researched will help Egypt that little more in understanding patterns and ways to make things that little more economic.

Papyrus Planting

Papyrus is known to grow approximately 8-11 papyrus per seed. I have estimated it to be more like 8-12 per seed which spreads out over 10 coordinates 150 coordinates north from where it was planted. If more seeds are planted within the same 10 coordinates then the yield is depreciated until the point where you are getting less than if you had planted them using the 1 per 10 coordinate strategy, possibly none at all (someone reported planting 20 seeds every 20 coordinates and they never sprouted.) This is quite possibly deliberate to stop someone from throwing in a handful of 100 seeds and hoping to get 1000 papyrus in the same spot.

The direction in which seeds blow into neighbouring lakes at the moment is undetermined. This could be regional or it could be to do with which side has the nearest lake.

Excavation Limits on Mines

I have done much research into the output on mines with excavation limits after I received a complaint from someone that they don't give out as much as a mine that does not have an excavation limit. My research has so far shown the following:

An example will be that a fresh new mine was worked by its owner with L3 mining skill until it gave 14 ore per pull, then gave it an excavation limit. A worker with only L1 mining skill approached the mine and worked it, only getting 6 ore per pull. After a while the amount of ore started to drop until it hit 2, then it increased to 7 ore per pull.

A 2nd mine was built and was immediately given an excavation limit and the owner left it without working it. A worker with only L1 mining skill approached the mine and worked it, but all he got was 2 ore per pull.

In conclusion this means that people will get less ore from a mine that has an excavation limit, probably deliberate so that the landscape isn't littered with too many mines that have excavation limits in hope to make a living of free ore from the workers without doing any work. Mine owners will also need to work their mines so that they themselves and other workers can get a reasonable output. They may also need to visit the mine from time to time especially if it is used a lot to maximise the ore output so that the next worker can get a bit more out of it.

Gem Mine Outputs

This has been confirmed for sand/gem mines that tearing down and rebuilding the mine can result in different gem per pull ratios.

No tests have yet been done to determine whether the same applies for an ore/gem mine and if the ore is lost on rebuilding.

Hitting random crystals inside the mine does not improve gem output. This only applies to ore output.

Fishing Bands

I don't have very much proof on this, but I have a few theories to how fishing bands work and would greatly appreciate any feedback to conclude my findings. Please don't regard any of this information as pure and tested, it is only theoretical and may well be proved in future to be false.

Fishing bands themselves come in varying sizes depending on the rareity of fish and can overlap into other fish bands. Rarer fish have smaller bands whereas common fish have very wide bands.

The main fish band appears to start and end with less fish than the ones in the middle and determines the maximum and minimum amount of fish a person can get. These numbers varey randomly.

A 2nd band or maybe multiple bands seem to frequently move around inside the 1st band. These bands are what make the fish active. Once they move out of range then the fisher is left with many ring messages until he/she either moves position to where another band is or waits for the next band to move in.

A 3rd band or maybe multiple bands are where the fisher can only get fish. This is a personal static band and if moved outside of it the fisher may only get rings or dead water even if he/she is standing on the 2nd band.

When using fishing food to increase speed the maximum amount of fish that can be obtained is increased in the first band. However it has been noted that food that increases speed will also lower focus and perception and it is thought that one of these stats when in negative numbers shrinks the 3rd personal band, in some cases shrinking it too small that the fisher is unable to obtain any of the rarer types of fish even if they were able to catch them without food.*

Wine Flavour Grids

Ping has already determined that the so-called "grids" for wine flavours do not exist. Whether there is an area where flavours can be found is yet to be determined, however the theory that a flavour exists soley in a 64x64 grid was proven to not be true since several surrounding vineyards had different but slightly similar results.

Ping describes flavours more as being flavour blobs of varying size and shapes. Tests have yet to provide any solid information on how large these blobs can be and whether the order in which flavours show and their intensities are the result of the vine used or the way it was tended and bottled. Other tests are also being done to determine whether the flavours remain the same if the vineyard is taken down and rebuilt.

New! From what has been tested so far flavours may not necessarily appear in the same order on the same coordinate. The flavour order and intensity does not change regardless how the vine is tended, nor does it have any relevance to the amount of tannin present in the wine. Wine quality increases over vintages, however there is a randomness which suggests that the way the vine is tended will determine the quality when bottled. This could be related to the grape quality.


Higher perception seems to increase the number of times you find eggs when using a hatchet.

Slaughtering Wild Sheep

I am not entirely sure which stat (if any) helps, but I think having high speed and possibly holding a knife increases the number of successes in slaughtering a wild sheep.

The actual theory of being able to successfully slaughter a sheep in the wild has been proven after I accidentally hit "slaughter this M sheep" instead of picking it up and later found in my inventory that I had oil, mutton and leather as a result of slaughtering it. I do not recall whether I was holding a knife at the time, but my speed was currently +1.

Clinker Poisoning

Rumours are that clinkers can produce masses of pollution when dropped. I have no idea whether this is true or what kind of damage it is capable of doing. There are rumours that clinker poisoning was responsible for polluted fish which were once caught a little while ago.

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Last edited November 18, 2006 4:13 am by Tigerlily (diff)
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