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Users > Tigerlily > Tiger's Bite > Examining

This is viewing from the left side of the gem. What we can see here is 5 different kind of angles... a straight angle at the rear, top, and side, and an angled cut near the front and right side going from a corner. On the left side we can see a diamond-shaped indentation and on the front there is a hole which cuts through the front going from left to right. If you examine this you'll recognise that this particular angle looks like half of a hexas plate.

The right side is not very clear to see where the cut is from this angle, so let's take a closer look at it...

Here we can see the angle much more clearly going from the bottom-left side to the top-right side. We can also see the flat angles on the top and rear, and another angled cut at the front where the hole goes through from left to right.

At the rear we can see the angle on the right side in all its glory including the flat angles from the rear, top and left sides.

Looking from above you can just about make out that half-hexas plate angle on the front-right side, and another diamond shaped indentation at the top.

From these angles we can pretty much guess what we're looking for is part of the gem where there is small tunnels that partially go in from the left and top and another tunnel infront of these which goes from left to right.

Ideally this is what we need to look for inside the gem.

Cutting the gem

Tunnels.pngTigerlilyNovember 17, 2006 4:07 pm875

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Last edited November 17, 2006 3:47 pm by Tigerlily (diff)
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