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Users > Twokay > Venery

A Guide to the Time Before Time Began - a Venery by Twokay

Clues also available in French, thanks to Kaayru

Gathering point located in DoS, near the CS, by the esence of harmony. -1430, 2750

My venery is an alternative guide to our very ancient history. Although you might find it a little different to other historical veneries that are available.

In this venery, several monuments to worlds that existed before our own have been uncovered. You will learn a little about what our scientists think they mean, and how that relates to what came before. Hopefully in the process you will learn a little bit more about the nature of the world that we inhabit.

These pages contain more information on the specific 'monuments', as well as some information on where to find them if you get stuck! The clue pages contain a copy of the clues in each of the venery lockboxes. The details pages contain the location, screenshots, and further details on the monuments, so try not to look at them until you have found what you're looking for.

I put a considerable amount of time and effort into this venery, so would love to hear your thoughts, and criticisms so it can be improved. Please send me a /chat and let me know what you thought, and how you got on.

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Last edited December 17, 2006 11:27 pm by twokay (diff)