What do you really need for a vigil? Well here is your answer. If you want to hold one of a different length than below, a little division will tell you what you need. In order to make it through the night on a vigil that is going full speed, you should have enough on hand for at least 500 sacs...of EACH item!! Sometimes it goes crazy on one or more items. If you don't want your vigil to die, be prepared. Copy the table below to a wiki page of your own so you can track what you are doing; you can then change whatever you want to. However please do NOT change the table below, leave it for everyone. Thanks.
Here's the list, and then the good news afterwards:
Item | On Hand | for 3500 sacs | for 5000 sacs | Comments |
Abdju Fish | | 2500 | 3600 | |
Aluminum | | 100 | 125 | |
Ash | | 625 | 900 | no potash, ONLY ash. |
Baskets | | 70 | 100 | remember, baskets are 200 dried papy EACH |
Beeswax | | 4,050 | 5,800 | |
Boards | | 9,300 | 13,200 | |
Bricks | | 6,100 | 8,800 | |
cabbage | | 2,500 | 4,000 | |
camel meat | | 7,650 | 11,000 | |
canvas | | 500 | 725 | |
carp | | 3,050 | 4,350 | |
carrots | | 2,500 | 4,000 | |
catfish | | 2,200 | 3,200 | |
Charcoal | | 3,700 | 5,250 | you need this in addition to any you may want around for smelting or making more stuff. |
chromis | | 2,200 | 3,200 | |
clay | | 2,100 | 3,000 | |
clay mortars | | 900 | 1,300 | not wet, just fired |
copper | | 400 | 600 | |
crucible | | 200 | 275 | |
cut stone | | 1,750 | 2,500 | |
cutable stone | | 1,000 | 1,500 | |
Dirt | | 2,575 | 3,700 | |
Dried Flax | | 5,000 | 7,250 | |
Dried Pappy | | 2,400 | 3,400 | |
Dung | | 1,750 | 2,500 | |
Firebricks | | 19,500 | 28,000 | not wet, just fired |
Flimsy Brick Racks | | 3,400 | 4,900 | |
Flax | | 10,000 | 14,500 | |
Flint | | 250 | 350 | |
garlic | | 2,000 | 2,800 | |
Gold | | 100 | 150 | |
Grilled Fish | | 6,800 | 9,700 | Note that you do not need grilled veggies. Only fish. |
Honey | | 1,400 | 2000 | |
Iron | | 450 | 650 | |
Jugs | | 5,550 | 8,000 | not wet, just fired |
Lead | | 100 | 150 | |
Leather | | 3,750 | 5,200 | |
Leeks | | 2,000 | 2,600 | |
Lime | | 300 | 400 | |
Limestone | | 2,700 | 4,000 | |
Linen | | 700 | 1,000 | |
Lint | | 2,500 | 3,500 | |
Med Diamond | | 125 | 190 | |
Med Emerald | | 125 | 190 | |
Med Quartz | | 125 | 190 | |
Med Ruby | | 125 | 190 | |
Med sapphire | | 125 | 190 | |
Med Stone | | 125 | 175 | |
Med Topaz | | 125 | 190 | |
Mutton | | 2,000 | 2,800 | |
Nail Mold | | 200 | 300 | |
Oil | | 2,700 | 3,800 | |
Onions | | 4,000 | 5,700 | |
Oxy Fish | | 1,000 | 1,500 | |
Pappy | | 3,250 | 4,700 | |
Perch | | 2,600 | 3,700 | |
Phagrus | | 1,000 | 1,500 | |
Pulley | | 500 | 700 | |
Rope | | 2,000 | 2,800 | |
Rotten Flax | | 6,200 | 8,900 | |
Saltpeter | | 400 | 575 | |
Silt | | 10,200 | 15,000 | |
Silver | | 100 | 150 | |
Slate | | 600 | 900 | between slate, stone blades (2 slate ea) and slate shovels (2 slate ea) you will need LOTS of slate |
Slate Shovel | | 725 | 1,100 | |
Sm Diamond | | 500 | 800 | |
Sm Emerald | | 500 | 800 | |
Sm Quartz | | 500 | 800 | |
Sm Ruby | | 500 | 800 | |
Sm Sapphire | | 500 | 800 | |
Sm topaz | | 500 | 800 | |
Stone Blade | | 1,500 | 2,000 | |
Straw | | 6,000 | 8,500 | grass is not called for, only straw |
Sulfur | | 400 | 600 | sulfurous water is not called for, only sulphur |
Thorns | | 9,000 | 13,000 | |
Thread | | 11,000 | 15,000 | |
Tilapia | | 1,200 | 1,700 | |
Tin | | 125 | 175 | |
Tow | | 3,000 | 4,250 | |
Tungsten | | 125 | 175 | |
Twine | | 1,000 | 1,400 | |
Wood | | 10,000 | 14,500 | this is in addition to what you use for the fire, boards, brick racks, etc. |
The Good News
If it is not on the list above, it will NOT be asked for. Note, this means you
- metal ores (only finished metals)
- sand of any kind
- coconuts
- cactus sap
- serpent fish
- herbs or mushrooms (unless you have hookahs :) or anything made using them
- exotic veggies such as peppers, cukes, eggplant an watermelon
- grilled veggies of any kind
- rabbit, chicken, snake, or silkworm products of any kind
- alloys of any kind, or anything that would require an alloy to produce
- glass
- forged items of any kind
- tools, except for slate shovels and flimsy brick racks (however you may want tools around to make more stuff)
- Large or Huge gemstones
- Several types of metal (mainly used for pyro. check the list, if it isn't there, you don't need it)
- citrus or aromatic honeys
- emir mortars
- treated wood, pyrotechnics, toxins
- seeds or bulbs of any kind (but you will want flax and veggie seed on hand for growing some)
- barley or wheat
- flystones (it asks for other stone products but not for these. go figure. don't waste rocks on them.)
- marble, concrete, cement, bauxite, gypsum, gravel
Tips and Tricks
- We had over 20 huge chests, 3 tents, one bonfire, and one GH (bricks & boards) to hold this stuff at our 5k+ sac vigil in July 2007.
- Note it is all listed in alphabetical order. If you set your chests up this way then everyone knows where to look for things, absolutely no guessing required. Is oil an animal or vegetable product? Don't make your staff think at bizzare hours of the day and night. Just make it alphabetical by first word and no thinking is required at the fire. (You will need a little during set up to force a few things, like Flimsy Brick Racks, to alphabetize with the right letter though.)
- Gather the bulk of your mats ahead of time. Don't worry, you will need to resupply during vigil. Having a guild devote a month to supplying for a vigil like this is very reasonable.
- You especially need to do the following things ahead of time: Loomables, fish, papy, gemstones, sulphur, smelting, making cc, gathering raw mats.
- Gathering slate and thorns takes longer than you think. Start on it early.
- Your vigil will live or die on Papy and slate. Have lots.
- When you advertise your vigil, tell people you need pappy, slate, and one other thing (whatever you are running short of). ALWAYS say papy and slate unless you are getting ready to close down.
- Be sure your chests are viewable by the public, stashable by the public, but only accessible to your staff. Perhaps make that GH a special one for your staff for vigil.
- Have lots of staff lined up. Vigils die due to lack of staff too. In fact, if you can have one person in charge of staffing, and one in charge of resources, then lots of people helping them, that is ideal.
- HAVE FUN!! This is a game after all. :)
- Call me if you want advice or help, I will do what I can. I maintain a vigil chest for anyone who wants to donate useless junk to 'a vigil someday' and when you are hosting a vigil I am happy to dip in there to help you out. ~Shivani