wind loved to build, mine and was an expert at thermos, but first and foremost he loved Egypt. He regarded it as his second home and even his passwords reflected this. He loved to pass on his knowledge and help both new and old Egyptians,a legacy that I hope to live up to. The whole ethos of the guild is based on wind's ideology that we should share as much as possible to save on resources and leave time for exploring all that Egypt has to offer. This is a hard concept for most of us to come to terms with, we are so used to owning our resources, but slowly but surely wind showed people that it was a very sensible way to play the game. wind was soo kind hearted that he would give his shirt off his back if someone needed it - if only Teppy would let him do that:) Sometimes he had to resort to just giving a pair of sheep or whatever else people needed.
He was the perfect husband, supporting me in everything I did, always encouraging me to push myself and learn new things, happy when I was away from camp running all over the desert. It was a real partnership though, I did my share around the camp, including trying to keep him supplied with cc. He always felt sorry for the bunnies that I left for the falcons. But wind also recognised that there is a life outside of Egypt - he often reminded me that my RL hubbie needed my time too, and used to smile on Friday evenings when I left the game to watch the TV gardening programmes.
Teppy, I have no idea what you think a "Real" marriage is, but although wind did not pass any tests in T3, I can assure you that our marriage was as as real as they come in Egypt. He was a real romantic too - hidden under that quiet exterior - and built a beautiful wedding chapel, including a ruby heart scuplture, in VoK for our T2 wedding ceremony so that guests could enjoy the wine and beer on site. Our T3 wedding was at an altar overlooking the Nile, so that he could think of his beloved pappy (and I will think of you, wind, every time I pick pappy in future). I soo wish that I had a copy of the words that he said during our T3 marriage, they were so beautiful and so special.
Unfortuantely, ill health meant that wind was missing for much of the latter part of T2. We thought that his heart transplant had gone well. Luck was not on his side and eventually, his body decided to reject the heart.
wind, you probably have no idea how many Egyptian lives you affected and helped. All members of Windward Ways, both past and present, have benefitted from your selfless building efforts. I was honoured to be trusted and respected by you. Your passing leaves a big hole in Egypt. We all love and miss you, but me most of all. Barhi
You may still see windrider in Egypt, it could be me playing him for old times sake, or more likely wind's RL wife who may pop in to share our world
Memorial Museums for windrider and PicardMetiOba have been built in UE near cs.
I give my best energies to the RL family of windrider and I hope we see a lot of buildings in our game he did.... make a memoryhall or memory sculpture for that player. With my best wishes for Barhi and his RL - family. Setha and Bayletos
We also send Barhi (dear friend) and RL family our positive thoughts... windrider, our dear friend and mentor, we miss you. Deeply saddened with broken hearts we say Goodbye for now. We believe that life is a transition, and that perhaps only a moment stands between us and our loved ones that have gone on without us... Wind, if you copy, someday we will meet again in another time in another place. Thank you for calling us your friends. Aloha. TeaAira & SandRat