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Alchemy Formulas > Fertilizer

Enrich Flower Fertilizer

Converts Flower Fertilizer->Liquid Sun Fertilizer

Liquid Sun Fertilizer is applied like normal flower fertilizer with 20 per application at most every two hours, but it only requires half as many applications and hence time to create a bulb.


 [BtFy] +Bt -9:17, +Fy -1:6 [???] - This is Quartz Glue!

 [EkRd] +Ek 7:19 +Rd -6:20 = EkRd 19:20






 [BnCpGu] [[BnCp]Gu]
        +Bn -2:6 +Cp 1:10 = (BnCp 6:10 - G-Y Glower tincture)
        BnCp 6:10 +Gu -10:5 = BnCpGu 5:6 - Enrich Fertilizer (300)



Deep Enrich Flower Fertilizer

Converts Flower Fertilizer->Sticky Sun Fertilizer

Sticky Sun Fertilizer is applied in units of 8 instead of 20 at most every two hours, and it reduces the amount of time by half as well. This is the most efficient method. (may be conflicting information on the forum thread and tech tree)


 [GbIg] +Gb -12:20 +Ig -20:-13

 [OtOt] (preferred)


 [DiOtFa] RvOt!DiFa





 [CnFyRv] (Fy requires SWF)

 [FyOtQr] (Fy requires SWF)
 +Fy -1:6 +Ot -15:-6
 FyOt -15:-1 +Qr -9:1

 [(Cp)Pz!] ? 
 Pz: + [BnBn] Deep Enrich Fertilizer (300) (50%)
 What this means is: mix Cp and Pz, reduce once and pray for Pz.
 Then add Bn and add another Bn.

See Sticky Sun Walkthrough for a step-by-step BnBnPz recipe -- no alchemy knowledge assumed.


 [BtRd] (Bt requires Sand Spore (3))
 [(Cp)(Bn)!Rd!] ?
 Rd: + [Bt] = BtRd - Deep Enrich Fertilizer (500)  (50%)
 Bn: + [GuDi] = BnGuDi - High Explosive, Standard Yield  (25%)
 or Bn + [Gu] ! + Di = BnDi - Green to Red Glowers
 Cp: + [Gu] = CpGu - Yellow->Green Glowers (90)  (25%)

Dummies Guide: Add CP and BN = BNCP. Inject reducing agent which will leave either CP or BN (its random) Add RD = CPRD or BNRD. Inject reducing agent to try to get RD. As its random you may get RD or the other half (eg CP or BN) If you do not get RD you can not use the formulas for fertiliser. In this case dump it or use it for another formula. If you get RD add BT = BTRD. Filter the precipitate giving you BTRD in your inventory. Take the BTRD and normal fertiliser to the bench and use tincture. Then you are complete and your flowers will love you! (Alicesmile)

 [CpRdDm] (Dm requires SWF (1))
 [(Cp)(Gu)!] ?
 Cp: + [(Rd)(Dm)] = CpRdDm - Deep Enrich Fertilizer (500)  (50%) 
 Gu: + [Dm] = DmGu Ash to Potash(2) (50%)

 [EkIg] (requires EoO and HoA)
 +Ek 7:19 +Ig -20:-13 

 [CnGbGu] (Cn requires EoO)

 [DiIgHp] (Ig requires HoA)
 +Di -4:20 +Ig -20:-13
 DiIg -13:-4 +Hp 3:16

 [IgIg] (Ig requires HoA)

(See Also: Alchemy, Alchemy Formulas)

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Last edited June 27, 2004 2:31 pm by Megrez (diff)