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An Intro To ATITD

Basic Info gleaned from main site.

Game Genre: A civilization-building game with thousands of players.

Overview: A Tale in the Desert is an online game set in ancient Egypt where players work together to build the perfect society. It uses the internet to allow thousands of players to play together in the same world. All of the characters you will see and talk to in the game are controlled by other people just like you, not by a computer. A Tale in the Desert is the first online game to focus on long-term planning and long-term goals rather than combat. Goals include the creation of great works of art and architecture, becoming a powerful leader, and building wealth.

Background Story

New Lands

The sun was setting after another hot day in Egypt, and the drumbeats of messengers announcing the Pharaoh’s opening of the new land were still ringing in Maya’s ears. Already, the settlers had filled the lands as far as the eye could see, and word was that many more were on their way. The landscape was dotted with the first signs of civilization: buildings built from the sweat of the settlers, using nothing but their bare hands and the most basic tools. The majestic Universities and their Schools in the backdrop gave a promise of wonders to come, wonders that she and the others had only dreamt of, but were now going to achieve as a people. She would remember that sight for years to come.

On impulse, she decided to take the road south, away from the tall banners and towards the less crowded areas. People there had started more elaborate and carefully planned camps, and some of them had bonfires and kitchens already. A few were showing settlers around and helping them out, while others were returning from exploring the outer reaches of the lands. However, they were all getting ready for the Pharaoh’s visit tomorrow.

The Pharaoh was returning from recently acquired lands to the south. Rumor had it that his architects were clearing the lands at this very moment, making them hospitable for civilized people. Some even said that grand palaces and pyramids were being constructed! As darkness slowly fell, the people gave in to their need for sleep. Maya didn’t hear a sound as she made her way back to her tent.

A Voice of Dissent

Maya awoke to the sounds of people hurrying past her tent: The Pharaoh must have arrived! She hurriedly followed the crowd, making her way to the nearby crossroads. As the crowd gathered, a man approached, dressed in ordinary workman's clothes. Despite the lack of gold or jewelry, the man was clearly recognizable as the Pharaoh. As he smiled and began to speak, the crowd fell silent.

"My friends," he began. "Today, we embark upon a great journey to conquer these lands. Not with armies and war, but with hard work and dedication. Our weapons will not be swords and spears, but progress and unity. I will stand beside you as we work to achieve our goals, and we will shoulder our burdens together."

Midway through the Pharaoh's speech, Maya could hear a chuckle emanating from the back of the crowd. As the Pharaoh finished, the chuckle turned into a roar of laughter. The Pharaoh stared with a determined face at the source of the outburst. Many heads turned to look. "Step forward, Stranger," said the Pharaoh, "and show your face. Or are you a coward who prefers to hide in the shadows?"

As the Stranger moved forward, the crowd parted and a space cleared around him. "I have long lived with those around me, working to tame these lands and hearing of your grandiose words. Now I have heard them with my own ears, and know you to be a hypocrite! I am no coward, nor am I a liar." The Stranger raised an arm and pointed defiantly at the Pharaoh. "You are nothing but an oppressive dictator! You abandon your people at the mercy of these wild lands! You have built us schools and universities, yes, but you extort vast resources from us in the names of 'donations' and 'tuition fees'! Through all this, you live a life of luxury, with riches beyond what we can even dream of. And yet, you claim to be a friend! I could not help but laugh at it. Stop oppressing us with your rule. Laissez faire!" As the Stranger finished speaking and his arm dropped to his side, Maya briefly saw a few members of the crowd nodding out of the corner of her eye.

The Challenge

Maya expected the Pharaoh’s face to go white with rage, but the Pharaoh was no ordinary man. His expression grew only more determined, if it changed at all. He took a slow breath, and calmly replied. "Do not speak such vicious lies. The people know how much I work for them, and know what I sacrifice each day. Do not sow seeds of discontent among us. We are a society, and we stand united in all we do. You cannot succeed in creating discord among us. We will work together, work hard, and achieve perfection in the seven disciplines of man. A few troublemakers like you are bound to appear, but we will take it all in stride."

The Stranger scoffed. "You know, I am beginning to feel that you actually believe that drivel yourself! Alright, I’ll take you up on that. I challenge you to demonstrate Egypt’s unity and its perfection of the seven disciplines. I shall work with each discipline’s universities to create seven tests. Pass them all and build monuments to each discipline, and you will convince me." The Stranger glared at Pharaoh and raised his finger at him. "But meanwhile, I will not stand idle. I will be working to show the people that none of what you claim is true. May the best man win." With that, he walked off.

The whispers Maya had been hearing in the crowd began to grow in volume. The Pharaoh quickly reassured his people. "The Stranger is powerless against a united people. Worry not, for I have confidence in each and every citizen in these lands. We will take on the Stranger’s challenge together." Maya’s spirits began to rise with these words, and she began looking forward to the tasks ahead of her. It was time to return to camp and work on finding some sweet onions and a mate for her new sheep, Pluffy.

Little did she suspect how things would turn out to be...

(Backstory cleaned up and re-written by Brant. The original version came from the game manual, written by It.)

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Last edited April 23, 2004 8:12 am by Brant (diff)