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Beauty Of The Night

Beauty of the Night

At pyro levels 10, 40, 80, 100, and 120, you get an ability called Beauty of the Night. This ability allows you to send one or more glass rods in one direction to search for tooth limestone blocks, and can be used once per (Teppy?) day. Tooth limestone blocks are used to build pyramids in The Test of the People's Pyramid. At pyro level 10, it uses a single glass rod. At level 40, it uses three rods, and sends them out in lines parallel to one another, spaced over three coordinates. The rods will travel up to 20 coordinates.

When a glass rod stops moving, a tooth limestone block is guaranteed to be beneath it. If the rod travels its limit and disappears, there were no blocks between the starting and ending points. The rods travel along the edges of tiles and stop at the corner of the tile that is closest to (0,0). So if you're in the northwest corner of the map, stand northwest of the rod to determine the tile's coordinates. If you're in Sinai, stand northeast, etc.

Glass rods fired using Beauty of Night will disappear when they try to cross a road tile or grass. It is likely that any non-sand terrain will stop the rods.

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Last edited May 10, 2004 11:23 pm by Sord (diff)