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Beer Recipes

Uh. I guess this is where you can post recipes you have for certain yeasts (single yeast recipes only, please).

The following are all load and go recipes, where you put the ingredients in at the beginning. I blatently stole them from the how-to on

Yeast 97

Yeast 88

Yeast 74

Can be found near Keyhole Lake [250, 3109] (no seal appears to be needed, although 589 QB works)
markup used: H=honey, R/L/M/D/B=malt types

Yeast 56

Yeast 42

Can be found at Festival Connection [-1076 4691] (seal@1800)
markup used: H=honey, R/L/M/D/B=malt types

Yeast 41

Yeast 33

Yeast 18

Yeast 8

Yeast 26

Yeast 42

Yeast 59

1571,4320 ; Y99 and friends

1571,4320 ; Y99 and friends


River Plains beer locations & recipes:

These are all no-seal with the exception of the y88 at Liberty Bridge. If the add times are included with the recipe, they'll look like 80H 20M/1000 which means 80 honey at start, and 20 medium malt when the timer gets down to 1000 (quickbrew times, by the way, multiply by 3 if you are cursed with normal brew duration). If not, you can probably assume the ingredients are added at the start, or in the case of small amounts of malt, at the end to increase the vitamins. Feel free to correct or add any info or new spots. Of course, these recipes have a fair chance to work at any other spot as long as you have the same yeasts appearing first. Good luck!

ps. sorry the test on this page isnt showing up too neatly, i'm not sure how to fix it (this data is copied straight from notepad ;)

Coords and Recipes Yeasts and Beers

--Liberty Bridge Area

(1309 4023) y88, banana (seal 1108-1122 or more? or get y57, grassy)
80M, 20H/start potentbrownbarleybanana y88 a971 g15 m174 bar476 ban245 tan159
80M, 20H/start potentblackbarleybanana a971 g15 m254 ban245 bar468 tan156 y88
11M 24L 50D 15B 25H potsweblabarban a971 g15 m314 bar486 tan161 y88:

(1339 4160)
120H 20L/start VP fruity dry (banana) (cinnamon)

(1557 4310) y99 y80 m7 y59 a78 y96
125H 40M vpfruspiswebolcinboldcher 1000 cher/cin
25M 40H/start fruity spicy cherry a522 vit43 g5 m173 cin326 cher1162
25M 36H fruity boldcherry a500 g5 m155 nut5 cin293
18L 40H fruity dry cherry a50180 g5 m111 nut5 cin293
27M 35H fryspicdrycher a546 g5 m123 nut7 cin362

(1571 4320) y99 y73 y80 m7 y78 y98 y96 l36 y59
125H 50M vpfruspisweboldcherry a1227 g123 m500 ch1046 cin479

(1142 4255) y26 y96 y35
45D 70H 30M/270 potfruswebrocherbar a1195 v37 g1 m358 bar333 cher407
50D 60H 25L/520 potfrubrocherbar a1187 v221 g1 m266 acetic46
20B 80H 50M/700 potentfrubrowncherry a1170 g1 m223 v110 acetic46 ch406 nut128
46B 50M 90H/420 potfrusweblacher

(1144 4250) y26 y96 y72 y3 l5 y35
40M 90H/600 VPfrubrownnotcher a1263 v148 g1 m156 nut164 bar140 hon180 nut164 (Gave me "cloying" - wonkoid)
100H 50M/550 vpfruswecherry a1263 g1 m336
45B 110H 25L/690 potentfrusweetblackcherry a1151 v63 g1 m338 ch509
45B 100H 25L 10M/620 VPfruityblack cherry a1263 v153 g1 m246 ch571
50D 50M 40H/1000 5L/370 vpfrusweblabarleycher
125H 11L vpfrudryhoncher (Gave me "cloying" - DarthBobo)
20B 100H/460 30M/410 vpfrubrowncherry a1226 g1 m152 hon249 cher5116
17B 90H 35M/410 vpfrudrybrocherry a1263 g1 m90 cher571 hon241

( ) y41 y80 y16
40H 14M/492-440 spicy dry nutmeg a461 v11 g9 m98 nut321 cin19
40H 14M 8B spicy dry nutmeg a459 g9 m116 nut312
40H 16M /492 spicy dry nutmeg a461 v11 g9 m98 nut321 cin19
50B 120H 30M/late VPfruspisweblahonnut
25B 120H 25M/late VPspibrownnutmeg
44B 15M 95H/250 potfruspiblanuthon
40H 14M /540 beernutmeg
90D/430 potentspicybrownnutbar a902 vit453 g1 m177 nut451 bar252
120H 14D/190 potentfruspiswenuthon a1032 vit19 g196 malt140 nut426
45B 100H 15L,15M/350 vpspiblanut
30M 16D 80H 5L/130 vpspinutbar
50H 5M/180 spicynutmeghoney a459 g51 m50?? nut312
60D 40B 75H potent spicysweetblacknutbarley
15M 95H/950 potspinuthon a966 g14 m150

(1236 3828, 1236 3826) y80 y41 m7, y80 y41 l69
10D 30H/300 drynutmeg a326 vit28 g9 m85 nut220
35H 13M/late dryhoney a430 g1 m85 nut114
sweet black barley nutmeg a726 v30 g1 m313 nut206 cin19 tan74
17B 80H 13L potentdrybrownnutmeg a899 g1 m90 bhon150 nut217
120H 13L/verylate VPdrynutmeg a1224 v263 g2 m130 nut252 cin24
40D 100H/200 vpfrubronutbarley
100H 12L/350 potenthoneynutmeg a952 g72 m120 vit206 hon306 nut217
80H 10L/200 potentdryhoneynutmeg a829 g1 m90 hon345 nut217
90H 18L/200 potfrudryhonnutmeg a977 v482 g1 m138 hon408 nut225
20B 80H/700 12M/330 potentbrownnutmeg a827 g1 m156 vit45 nut209
45B 40H/400 15M/330 dryblacknutmeg a554 v80 g1 m115 nut206
20B 120H/700 20L/300 vpbrownnuthon a1238 g2 m240
35D 80H 10M/300 potswebrownbarnut a856 v132 g34 m450:

(1264 3734) y10 y74 m31 y80 y75
50D 50H/730 10L/280 potentbrownbarleydate a1037 g1 m182
80H/700 20M/260 potentdrydate a949 g1 m90 date201 <--min sugars for date flavor is about 1050
10L/800 80H 5L35H/355 potfruhon 182date
80H 15L/650 38H/330 potentsweetdate
35B 25L 100H/verylate potentfruitybrownboldhoney a1174 v1198 g14 m182 date212 hon1269
35B 120H/635 7L/late potentfruitybrownhoneydate a1200 vit158 g14 m140 date213 hon223 tan4
80H 12M potentdryhoney a892 g1 m51 date174
100M/850 10H potentbrownnoticeablebarley 209 date
44B 70H 30M/500 potent black beer a965 v186 g1 m182 tan31 date200
3 45B 70H 35L/700 potentblackmuddled date204 barley138 honey106
30L /1000 50D 25H/300 potentdatebarley a1027 g1 m182 vit771
45B 100H/760 30M/300 vpblackdate
20B VPbrown 110H 35L vpfrubrownhoneydate
20B 85H 25L/300 potfrubrownhoneydate
20L/800 100H 28L/210 vpfruswehondate
15L/800 100H 50M20H/380 vpfruhon 186date
120H 12L/late vpdrydatehoney
120M VPbarleydate
45B 120H 20M/350 verypotentblack a1326 col529 g14 m190 date190
50D 20L60H/920 VPbrown barleydate a1251 g1 m188
40B 40M 75H, 10L/231 VPblackbarleydate a1247 g1 m182 b236 d216 nuit64 cin31 tan82
120H 14M/300 vpfruhondate barely over 140 sugar
120H 12M/300 vpfrudryhondate barely under 140 sugar a1210
20B 35L 20M 76M/late VPsweetbrownbarley a1251 g1 m360 date216 bar522 tan205
18B 120H/430 10L/late VPfruitybrownhoneydate a1206 v356 g14 m136 date248 hon306
35L/1000 100med/late VPsweetbarleydate a1251 g1 m368 vit3024 bar294 date216 tan127
100M/1000 50honey/late VPsweetbrownnhonnbar a1285 vit510 g1 m414 bar515 date252 hon522 tan172
50D 70H/1000 25L/150 VPsweetbrownbarleydate a1251 g1 m348 bar298 date216
120H 12M vpfrudryhoneydate
120H 20LM/300 verypotentfruityhoneydate
45B 100H 30L/485 vpblackdate a1257 g11 m182
35M 80H 10L/440 potentbarleydate a1157 g1 m182 bar230 hon101 y10 y74 m31 y80 y75
25B 100H/650 20L/~200 potentbrowndate a1100 g8 m182 date208
120H 15L/350 vp date a1216 g14 m150 date24 bar35 163 honey

(1262 4170) y91 l13 y89 y67 y51 y63 y18
50B 20M 40D 20H (~850) potfrudryblackorange a910 g2 m108 o98 8
30L 80H (900+) potfrudryorange a1050 g2 m108
120H 12L/150 vpfrudryorangehon
45B 120H 15M vpfrublackboldhonorange
20B 80H 15L/late potentfrudrybrownorangehon
50M/1000 40H 46D/240 vpswebroorange g2 m298 tan106 340 barley
30B 25D 30H 90D verypotentsweetblackorange a1255 g2 m483 n66cin89 tan94
40B 25LM/800 20L 40H potentblackdryfruity orange
95H 30M/1100 potentfruityboldorange a1112 vit127 g2 m196
5 40D 85H/1010 potfrubrownorange a1132 g2 m196
30M 90H 5D/start potfruorange a1122 g2 m196 vit132
23M 90H/1030 potfrusweetorange a904 g42 m230 vit99 date93 hon259 cin162 nut23 !!!
35D 80H/1120 potentfruitysweetorange a891 v99 g15 m314 hon253 cin119 tan50
45H 35D/start fruitybrownorange a701 g1 m168
45B 100H 15L/350 potentfruitydryblackorange a1145 v356 g2 m123 orange999 honey464
45B 110H 15L/300 potfrublackorangehon a1172 g2 m196 hon516
22B 40D 90H, 8L/300 VPfrublackorange
84D 45H potfrublackorangebarley a1166 g2 m290 barley504 orange998 tannin126
20L 90H/500 potfrudryorange
20L 110H/500 potfruorange
100M 40H/720 vpfrusweorange

(1279 4210) y18 y91 y67 l37 m63
18B 30L 20L 110H vpfruswebrownnothon alc1335 v1198 g2 m375 orange409 hon933 nut103 tan91
30L 120H 10L/360 vpfruhonorange a1363 g2 m291 o410 hon542
40D 40H/260 10L potentfrudrymuddled a846 g2 m108 orange402 bar203 hon227
125H 12L/100 vpfruhon a1215 g35 m120 o408 orange408
20B 120H 10L/100 potfrudrybrownhonorange a1194 g2 m140 o408 hon774
40B 120H 20L/210 VPfrubrownhonorange a1227 color438 lactic44
45B 30H 10L sour a384 g1 m11 lactic 114 blaaaaah
80H 20M potentfruitydryorangehoney a906 g2 m108 orange289 honey212
35D 80H 8M 24 lactic acid alc1130 g2 m160 bar228 orange554
20L 15D 100H 9M vpfruorange a12655 g2 m247 b227 o555

(1340 4160) y42 y56 y35
120H/start 20M/end VPcinbanana

--North RP, west of the nile

(916 4385) y2 y91 y56 y1 y74
potentfruitydryorange a949 g1 m90 orange400 date143 banana111

(941 4386) y74 y2 y1 a6 y48
cloying date a1127 vit533 g1 m232 date347 tannin15

"Potent with Y-42 is very have to starve the yeast for vitamins just right. Here's the recipe that works for
me: 102 honey, 10 DRM right at the start. Throw in 12 burnt for brown and 38 for black (also at the start)."

--eastern DoS
(-121 2850) y96, y91, y59 spicy sweet orange
needs lots of vitamins

--desert near Keyhole lake megalopolis
(250 3109) y74, m31, y42, y59 spicy date/cinnamon
[ DarthBobo: I've had poor luck with the few recipes I've tried here.
I suspect the malt add times aren't recorded properly, and should be at the end ]
seal times -vs- yeasts : 1598 y74 1592 1580 m31 1570 1559 y42 1500 1450 y59 1300 y8 a6 1200 y80 y65 y32 y90 a94 l12 m87
70H 60M/740 potent fruity spicy muddled a1162 g1 m247 barley 246 date259 cin370
100H 40M VP fruspi cin date alch1221 g2 m247 date259 cin370
100H 30B 30D/0 VP fruspibrown cin date alch1213 g8 m201 date215 cin346 (sealed at 600 but may not be nec; tested by wonkoid)
120H 30M vp fruspi sweet cin date a1226 g24 m300 date259 cin370 tan25
60H 30L/0 potent dry (date) A869 g1 m90 date328

(248 3100) y42 y65 y74
120H 30M vpfrubancin a1360 g8 m192 banana300 nutmeg219 cin280

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Last edited August 12, 2004 6:44 pm by Khatzesput (diff)