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Users > Khatzesput

My home is Order of Bastet in Four Corners. I'm in the CET time zone (GMT +1).

Visit my Gazebo (passed) at 30,4700 next to the Four Corners Guildhall. Also around is the Four Corners Playground with Mosaiks, a Empty Hand Tower and two Tombs to play. And only over the hill is my Bijou and 2 Gliders.


Oracle of Worship - Marriage, Astrological Alignment, Pilgrim, Beacon, Festivals, Visions, Vigil

Sage of Body - Bedouin, Acrobat, Reason, Darkest Night, Takeskot, Banquet

Master of Architecture - Obelisk, Octec's Ghost, Pyramid, Towers, Megalopolis

Scribe of Leadership - Mentor, Patronage, Trust, Bureaucrat

Journeyman of Thought - Empty Hand Tower, Tomb of the Immortal, Venery

Student of Art and Music - Garden



Fuchsia PinkGiant x BH
Herbstfeuer BH x Pinkgiant

Banquet / Festival Supply

Order of Bastet has most fruits and honey

some high conc wines:

(Wine Inventory) 1 jar + 4 paper

Khatzesput's Banquet

Base Flavor Ingredients
Camels Mane Mushroom 105 53 CM, 31 camel meat, 1 camel milk (110)
cabbage 114 12 abdju, 12 camel meat, 28 cabbage (120)
Oxyrynchus Fish 107 7 oxy, 7 abdju, 14 camel (134)
Phagrus Fish 119 6 abdju, 6 camel meat, 6 mutton, 6 phagrus, 6 perch (164)
Slave's Bread Mushrooms 108 53 SB, 31 camel meat, 1 camel milk (110)
Catfish Fish 114 9 abdju, 9 camel meat, 9 catfish (138)
Honey 107 108 honey, 81 camel milk (118)

Flavor Requirements Notes
Peach RS 2% Cc 511 w
Peach 2 Vintages RS 4% w
Violet 10% Cc 685 w
Smokey 2 Vintages 12% w
Smokey 10% RS 5% w
Pineapple 1 Vintage 9% LittleCleo
Almond 3 Vintages Cc297 LittleCleo

Flavor Location/Supplier Recipe/Notes ready botteled
Potent dry honey 1236 3824 70H 10L/204 10H/12, no seal Yes
(VP) spicy brown banana 3100 5625 (inhoptet) 120H 20B at start, 20L at end, no seal Yes 14.8. 17:00 Uhr
VP sweet cherry 1144 4250 100H 50M/550, no seal Yes 13.8. 7:20 Uhr
Potent brown orange 1262 4169 (LittleCleo) 30M 5D 25B 85H at start, no seal Yes
VP brown date 1264 3734 18B 120H/430 10L/40 or 50D 20L60H/920, no seal Yes 11.8. 19:30 Uhr
VP sweet honey 1264 3734 20L/800 100H 28L/210 Yes 11.8. 19:30 Uhr
VP sweet barley 742 5620 (LittleCleo) Start: 45 Med 120 Honey - Seal at 2100 Yes 14.8. 17:00 Uhr

Beer Experiments

Beer Recipes

80H 10L/200
potent dry nutmeg
90H 18L/200
potent dry nutmeg
100H 20L/190
potent nutmeg
70H 10L/200
potent dry hint nutmeg
70H 10L/204 10H/12
potent dry Beer. Hint of Honey flavor, hint of nutmeg flavor

70H 10L/204 10H/12
potent dry Beer. Hint of Honey flavor, hint of nutmeg flavor

80H 12M

KhatzKhatzesputApril 26, 2004 1:17 pm2845broken image of my forum avatar pic. you need to include the ending in the name to make it work
Khatz.gifKhatzesputApril 26, 2004 1:24 pm2845

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Last edited August 16, 2004 7:00 am by Khatzesput (diff)