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Beta > Feature Requests

Beta Feature Requests

This page is intended to list the ways that ATITD Tale 2 can be improved over the Beta. Hopefully Teppy will listen to his people and implement some of these before Tale 2 goes live.

  1. Make objects solid enough as to where ore stones will not appear inside other objects as to not lose gem's which could be stuck inside these objects.
  2. Allow compounds to be joined to other nearby compounds (especially for guild use)
  3. Allow control-click to open a menu pre-pinned, and preferably (or with user option) tiled within the viewport.
  4. Get rid of "this is too far away". Avatar should run until it isn't too far away, even if it's only to get close enough to determine that the item is unusable.
  5. Buildings placed inside your compound should be moveable. It is often nice to reorganise your buildings after a compound expansion.
  6. Mentor chat channel so incoming players may find mentors easier. /join mentor and mentors may have the chat active on their list.
  7. When you get to skill level 7 making stone blades, please remove the success/failure panel. Including the "you don't have enough slate" panel -- if you're at skill level 7 you don't need a reminder.
  8. Ability to scroll and zoom in on the map. Also different color text for landmarks as blue blends with the water.
  9. Being able to work on multiple projects at a time in a compound.
    1. By default, new buildings in a compound should take on the ownership and usage properties of the compound. Also, the owner (or guild elder if guild owned) of the compound should be able to do ANYTHING to ANY building in the compound regardless of ownership and usage settings. The current way the compounds work offer a perfect griefing tool -- get into a guild, start a non-guilding building in a compound and refuse to finish or remove it.
  10. Make it so universities do not have lists of researchable skills until the skills are actually researchable. (Ex: Do not show "Conflict Shrine Construction" until someone, somewhere, has the ability to make a blonde termite proof board, 'cause, well, how do you know that a Conflict Shrine needs a blonde termite proof board if no such thing exists or can be made? Seeing large lists of items required for research that don't exist really detracts from the early game (for me, at least) -- I'd like to see the universities come up with new ideas to research as new materials and other researched things come into play, even if they come into play at other universities.
  11. Add textual labels to ore stone menus that list, at the very least, the colors and patterns present on the stone. (Numbers would be nice, but not absolutely necessary.) This will help those of us who have a hard time telling minute shades apart (e.g. teal/green or aqua/sky/navy) and reduce some of the confusion among newer miners. (ADDITION: perhaps have a college skill that costs a small amount of iron/copper/etc that adds this label to the stones? "Mineral knowledge" or something?)
  12. The ability to turn the camera with the keyboard (arrows for example)
  13. The option to have more than one (all) building walls down in compounds that you own.
  14. The option to use a project site to build a tent -- eg: let tents be either compound buildings OR free-standing. (ADDITION: I am sure that if Egypt passed a law stating that a tent should be legally allowed to be built free-standing, Teppy would implement it. It should only take him abuot 10 seconds. :))
  15. Significantly reduce the height of compound walls to just a little higher than a distaff (the tallest basic building). Require vertical enlargement when building anything that is taller than the standard compound height, or require the building of special "supersize" compounds to hold large buildings (e.g. flax gin).
  16. Implement shortcut keys on brick racks (make bricks [B], make firebricks [F]) and add a shortcut key for load wet jugs [J] in a true kiln. A [W] for "Weed this Flax Bed" or any other equally common and repetitive activites would also be helpful.
  17. Allow the selection of multiple items (using the control key) in the browse contents view for chests and tents.
  18. Allow the use of some key (Enter, K, or something) to dismiss popup boxes that only have an OK button. It is very tedious to be forced to click OK over and over on certain things, like "the blade in the wood plane broke" messages. If this is not feasible, then how about having the option to move more types of messages into the main window. (ADDITION: What about having the standard Windows/etc feature "never show this message again" (or "show this message in Main from now on" checkboxes on all the windows?)
  19. Get rid of the flax exploit text if one plant is on the other. This is insulting and usually only happens as a result of lag. (Or, at the least, explain how it could possibly be exploited. I tend to harvest flax more easily if I can click on it. -- Nephte)
  20. Get rid of the "You have no wood, it can be gathered from trees" text for a carpentry shop. Anyone using a carpentry shop already knows this.
  21. Option to plant vegetable gardens to remove a million clicks from the game. If planted next to water, no watering needed. If planted away from water, allow one time watering in (number of jugs of water needed). Number of seeds used determines size of crop. Come back to harvest later. - perhaps you'd like an option to automatically make bricks and boards while away, too? how about an auto-paint mixer, and test-passer, too? (Actually, bricks and boards have automakers later in the game - who knows, perhaps we'll get a garden -- but that's advanced tech to auto-water it. I bet that later in the telling, if this doesn't exist, we could propose a law requiring the UArt to research it. Or UWorship. Either way. I don't think this is a feature needed, I think it's a mid-to-late-game research option that might work well... :)
  22. Add "Show info" option on the menu that appears when you click another avatar that will show the same as "/info <name>"
  23. I think it would be wise to only alow a person to build 1 compound. This would take away most the clutter. (ADDITION: If this were the case, it would have to be MUCH cheaper to expand the compound, since camps can grow quite large, especially if well-designed (meaning not too overcrowded, and well designed with "woodshop" areas and "flaxing" areas,etc. also, that would mean all mining-related things (kitchens, smelters of all kinds, chests, etc) would need to be compound-free. Perhaps we need two kinds of compounds -- one "primary" which you can only have one (in fact, it could be a tent to start, but a huge tent, and as you gain the ability to build houses, it could expand the options available to you...?) -- which has a top, and the others are just "spots on the ground" where you can build, but are claimed by you, and over-lap controlled.?)
  24. Instead of a minute rest between each stage of seperating rotten flax, how about full use followed by a 3 minute rest.
  25. When an endurance timer is started, have a small clock or some other indicator appear (maybe top right corner of the screen). (ADDITION: Yeah, where it says END right now, I love it if it said END: ##")
  26. Add a guild list (and give it a hotkey, maybe F12) that would mimic the friends list and make both resizable/scrollable. (ADDITION: What if you're in 20 guilds? What if two of them have 255 members (chat guilds)? This would require a scrolling friends list, which we shouldh ave anyway. :) It would also require ways to pick which guilds you're looking at -- maybe a pulldown list at the top with all your guilds?)
  27. Add a new technology, Advanced Brick Alignment, that would allow a player to place the racks into a grid and then operate on the structure as a whole (ex. click on a 4-rack structure and create/take up to 24 bricks). (Oh man, that would be awesome... Someone totally has to make that a law.)

Completed Requests

  1. The ability to add text labels to mining carts similar to the labels that chests currently have. <-- This has been implemented. Check the 'utility' menu.
  2. Add a "Stop" key - when running/walking (especially when planting), sometimes avatars begin to move when (a) players mistakenly double-click to dismiss a dialog box or (b) click a point too far away. A "Stop" key (like "S" or the spacebar) would allow players to halt the avatar's movement. - Already there - use right mouse button <-- right-mouse button does not work if you right-click a building <-- so don't right-click a building?

Beta Bug Report

  1. Sometimes your avatar thinks it is in water when it is not and displays the message 'Water is too deep'
  2. When collecting slate avatar ocassionally runs to a different spot collects slate and runs back to original spot automatically
  3. Client frequently crashes when I maxamize, on each of the 3 machines I've played on.
  4. Client crashes when I change the Advanced Graphics setting (fatal error) (This happened to me, too, a few times, but when I came back in, it had changed and was working...)
  5. I built a compound and then could not change the ownership (e.g. contribute to guild). The Ownership option seems to have disappeared from all my other compounds after I contributed them to my guild. <--Once you contribute it to your guild, you don't own it. Which is distinct from the first point. Which actually occured? -- Did this really happen? Could someone else note that it happens to them so we know if it's a problem or a mistake? [I have this problem on the first compound I built. It belongs to me. However, most of the items that belong to me say, "This belongs to you". In this case, it says "This belongs to Sola" (when Sola clicks it). I cannot change ownership on it. Subsequent compounds I have built do not have this problem.]
  6. Crashed twice (fatal error) when I tried to "View New Feature Requests" from the Law Library at a Voting booth.
  7. You can load stones from a cart to an already firing Craft Furnace. (mine was luckily already full and it said it 'dropped -15 stones'... which looks a bit weird ). You shouldn't be able to load anything to an already firing furnace or smelting pot.
  8. Bricks on the roofs of compounds are not aligned since the new design features were added today.
  9. While having clicked to grab wood from a tree, and you click on thonrs and choose take thorns, you get the massage: oasis0 is busy
  10. The vibrant green grass is still missing. Getting only a dull olive splotchy grass graphic at max settings.

Fixed Bugs/Not A Bug Section

  1. My beehives are buggy :). It says I built it 1 day ago, (been more like 4-5 days)...says it was built Akhet I-16 (it's I-21 today). And still no queens....want my canvas back :P (so? poor choice of location)
  2. I built a sheep pen, put a male and female sheep in it and after more than 12 hours they didn't produce even 1 dung. (did you feed the sheep?)
  3. My camels havent bred in almost a week (real time)
  4. In T1, you could hold down a shortcut key and "sweep" it across multiple buildings (e.g. holding down T to take from pottery wheels and brick racks). This doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm assuming this is a bug, but not sure. <--- I have had this problem only on certain machines, and I had it in T1, too (on the same machines), I believe it has more to do with your key repeat rates than a bug in the system.

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Last edited September 1, 2004 3:51 am by (diff)