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End-of-Beta Bonfire Party!

Woot!!! This event was a huge sucess!!!! We lots of fireworks and tons of people. Many things were given away at the drop party b4 the fire was lit and Pharaoh even came for a few minutes to check it out. About 5 minutes b4 the lighting we even crashed the server, or at least many of us got disconnected. It's an hour and 1/2 after the lighting and b4 the servers went down the bonfire was still not even close to being burnt out, tho a fwe ppl tried to put it out with water, but were unsucessful (the flame only got realy dim, then came back after a few minutes). a couple fights brokw out over beetles too, it got pretty ugly!! :-) I have lots of screenshots to for any1 who wants to host them on a site. The biggest bonfire in all the beta world may still be going, I will check when the servers come back up and give an update on how long the flames will last!!!!!! Thanks all to those who brought more wood and fireworks, and all the goodies that ppl dropped!!! Hope to see you all in live!!!

Update: The fire stayed lit for 3 1/2 hours!!!!!

End of Beta Art Festival

The Bonfire Man is over! Thanks for everyone who attended, we had an awesome time watching the big guy go up in flames! The cart race was fun and so was the group-built scuplture... and talk about a weird looking one at that heheh. We'll be planning another one as soon as we can for live. For more info on our projects, go to

ATITD2 Going Live

Over System Chat:
08-27-2004-23:54:00 I have a few announcements...
08-27-2004-23:55:00 We will leave this land to our children on Thursday, September 2, at 12:00 Noon EST (GMT-0500)
08-27-2004-23:56:00 (Is that EDT?)
08-27-2004-23:56:00 (I'll assume so)
08-27-2004-23:57:00 Our children will awaken on Friday, September 3, 2004, at 12:00 Noon EDT.

Cart Race

Ankh-el-Pandemis is planning on the organization of a cart race. Chat him in game for details or offer to help or supplies.


There are no digs currently planned.


mineral map (beta) for lower nubia has been released!

There are now gems in the game! Use a Jewelers Pick to extract gems from ore stones! To make one, use a Student's Casting Box with 1 Copper and 1 Beeswax.

There are Watermelons! Talk with one of the FilePlanet subscribers. They're a kind of fruit/veggie seed.

Seed secrets: All seed secrets have been removed/changed. New secrets have not been deciphered yet.

Remember, this is Beta, not live, and with chariot stops we'd be well served to put aside regional differences and open techs at one place (except of course those which give gifts like seeds). This will let us climb the tech ladder faster and test some of the advanced technologies more thoroughly.

Let's coordinate those on the tech link below, list those techs where a particular region is close.

Also please visit Feature Requests to list bugs or to mention a feature that you think would make Tale 2 more enjoyable.

Quick links - Tale 2 Beta Site with maps, system log, and other beta information - Tale1 immigration manual, probably more applicable than the current wiki island guide.


Citizenship - How to become a citizen in Tale 2 Beta (Thanks to Sord).

FAQ for new players

Guides - while these guides are specific to T1 and some has changed since then, they may be helpful for the newcomer trying to learn how things have been done in the past.

Mining Metallurgy a page to discuss new Mining & Metallurgy systems and share information

Forge Information Advanced Forge use (Pinch Rollers upgrades)

Furnaces The Smelting Pot, The Craft Furnace, The Precious Furnace, Building and using them

Deep Well About the construction of a Deep Well

Castingbox Costs Casting box item requirements

Blacksmithing a page to discuss Blacksmithing theories

Structure Maintenance

Food Stats

Petition System The new petition system



Meta Guilds

PlayersDB Players Database with playtime, languages spoken and home location in egypt

Sheep Map A page for Teppy to see where sheep spawn and how many

Mineral Map A page to try to find the rule of mineral distribution over egypt

Dirt Locations A page to try to document where dirt (and the ever elusive medium stones) can be found.

Gem Map Gem Map to try finding a Gem grid.

Chariots overlaid on T1 map (thanks to Brant & dyant!) (dyant has no clue why his name is in the preceeding sentence)

Public Facilities


Telepathy Player Rankings for the Uconflict, Test of Telepathy




University Sites Moved

Technologies Opened

Research Status

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Last edited September 2, 2004 2:26 pm by Leetah (diff)