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Beta > PlayersDB

Following this thread on .net let's start a players database.
Nisig wrote: I think we should start a guild matchmaking site ASAP. The general idea is that people list their play-times. This way people can find guilds with players who play at the same time and the other way around. The game is built for cooperation but it’s really hard to find people who play at the same time you do. You might have a great guild but playing an MMPOG alone can be very frustrating. This database will allow easier guild mobility and recruiting more people who play while you do.

We can also add other tables like: - trust scores – people can add trust/mistrust tokens with comments on players , - proficiency scores : barter, realtime tasks (charcoal, glass, bonfire) , 3d static tasks (blacksmithing, gem cutting) ,vegtable growing. - telling badges : beta2 ,beta3, partial live1, full live 1. - language proficiency - guild membership and history

Having this database will help people do many other things together like find people in their area and cooperate on time critical tasks (vine growing for example) and organizing events in reasonable times. It can also raise the reuse of building and sharing and providing a wider access to newly opened technology.

Initial Data collection can just go around Egypt surveying people like evil data miners and setup initial data for as many players as possible then let people change their information. But we may choose not to do it for privacy reasons. Maybe empower people you trust to update your information.

Let's start with home location in egypt, playtime and languages spoken

              Map of Egypt


Char Name

Play Time GMT


Location Char Name Play Time GMT Languages
650, -4400 Roen 18h-23h French, English
-1132 5614 Desertking 3-5 hours daily English
2407 5032 Maximus 23h-1h GMT wkdays, 5h-? wkends English
700 7000 Zephyr 05h-08h GMT wkdays, ? wkends English, German
4892 -1521 Nodjmet 21h-24h GST wkdays, ? wkends English, German
1999 3066 DerVampire 19-00 GMT, lots in weekends English, Dutch
1011 7240 PhotekOBV 7h-9h GMT, lots Weds and Sunday English

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Last edited August 29, 2004 10:24 pm by (diff)