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Beta > Petition System

(back to Beta) In the Beta for Tale2 a new petition system was introduced. I copied all text regarding this from the system log. A compilation can be found at the bottom. But first a summary.


The law system needed an overhaul, because as seen in Tale1 the developers couldn't handle the amount of petitions. It is changed nos so that:

Compilation of System Log

In Tale 1 I had a problem keeping up with the number of laws.
And so I need something that lets everyone express not just whether they like a particular proposal, but how much.
Someone could carry around a mediocre petition for months, slowly gathering enough signatures to put it on theballot, ahead of newer better petitions.
Simple description: Up to 1 signature per day would decay. A petition with 1 signature would almost never have that one decay. A petition with 256 signatures will always have one decay.
The system allows up to 21 copies of a petition to be carried. Don't use up all the petition carrying slots on people that you may never see...
Also, you can have 1 petition on you, plus 1 per level of Leadership. I can increase that during Beta.
Ok, it's 3+ for Beta.
It is possible to drop a petition now. View it from your legal menu and hit discard. If you are the last one to drop it, it will remove it from the world.
Ok, another component is the idea of a voting period with 7 (?) proposals on the ballot.
For each proposal, you could vote yea, nay, or abstain.
The one that gets the highest percentage of the vote will be implemented, and the lowest (for this time) 2 will be discarded.
If we have just 6 laws, then only the lowest 1 will be discarded, and if 5 or less, none will be discarded.
Feature requests are saved in a seperate queue. The general idea for feature requests is that you're not voting on which will get done, but rather just voicing your opinion on what should be done. here's why:
Sometimes a feature will take 5 minutes to code, and sometimes 2 months. Even if the 2 monh one was higher, we probably wouldn't do it unlesss there was some extraordinary reason to stop all other development for that period. The last such feature request that was done was during Tale 1 when we rewrote the entire game's interface.
You should be able to view any carried petition to see if it's one I have classified.
Only those with the most signatures get reviewed for a legal opinion. I did around 20 total.
The top 1 law will be implemented, the bottom 2 discarded, and the other 4 will go back into the pool of petitions.
Voting period is 1 hour. (In live it will be 3 days)
Oops, make that 30 minutes.
So a petition under this system can fail for two reasons: either it receives less than 2/3 of the vote, or it's one of the 2 least popular proposals among the 7 on the ballot.
It is possible that all 7 petitions would get less than 2/3 of the vote. In that case, none would be implemented, and all would be dropped.
So as long as a petition receives 2/3 of the vote and isn't among the 2 least popular on the ballot it won't be dropped.
Ok, if you're carrying a petition that was on the ballot (and some petitions that did not make it), take a look at it. There should be a status indicating that it's a "bill" (valid law).
If it failed for either failing to meet the 2/3 threshold, that should be shown. Likewise if it failed by being in last place among the laws on the ballot.

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Last edited September 1, 2004 9:53 pm by (diff)