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Beta > Guilds

Beta Guild Halls of Egypt (note that a "guild" in Egypt is a term generally used for any type of organization in which a guild hall is used as a form of communicaiton ... these are not necessarily all "traditional" guilds)

Please see Guild Ranks as a guide to guild organization.

                                  Map of Egypt




Members and Commentary

Location Name Elders Members and Commentary
799, -3725 Lower Nubian Collective Astymma, Ledeanna, 70347 Lower Nubia Public Park/Research/Mentoring Guild
2303, 2287 Greater Oasis Research Guild Nimor Please donate to further Red Sea Oasis research (right next to RSO chariot stop)
2691, 5263 Citizens of Sinai Tizen
2812, 5582 Desert Ninja Neouni, Shiv4
2224, 5405 Children of Horus Ingenia Sinai metaguild
-1495 5140 Thoth Toba, Hadiez, Promiscuous, RNPrincess.
1222 -798 Guild of Azuriah Jahrod, Vendian Located in Karnak
2632 5200 The New Egyptians ClaraBow, BrutusGermanicus We work to make Sinai as advenced as possible
1274 -210 Bek Het Hara Ahephron, Mathir "Servants of Hathor", Gay and Lesbian Family Guild in Karnak, "Ordo Ursi Prismatus" in EQ and "Ursine Order" in CoH
1285 -745 The Karnak Scientists Alliance Renegade, Kehmri Karnak guild focusing on research and development and understanding of technology. Collective ownership.
811 7083 The Secret Cult Osiris teh0mega, eberto, Sekkai and Lladnar Located in Nile Delta, accepting anyone :D
5090 -1888 Divine Gezak and Rosean Leading in CotS
-1366 2744 DoS Lakeside Mortomes, dannyphat, peter1967 juju, killermantis, Rutenramen, Tranx. We offer some services to our neighbourhood, /info DoS lakeside to see a listing of our services.
2407 5032 Oasis Maximus, Stugots, Ahket Provide various public buildings. If you want to join, interact with us first. I reject all "drive by" membership applications. ;-)
2539 5414 Blood Of Kings Biorott, Oni Sinai Guild, just extended guild, accepting new members!
1473,2241 Sunset Papyrus MarvL, Kanvil (Beta, Tale 2) Sunset Papyrus is dedicated to the Preservation of "wild" Papyrus along the Nile.
921, 6347 Toast and Tea Sandlot, Berry Accepting new members, helping guild located in Nile Delta

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Last edited August 27, 2004 6:53 pm by Erika (diff)