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Beta > Universities

University of Architecture

Alternative Fuels


Brick Rack Alignment

Mine Construction

Pyramid Construction


Structural Pottery

University of Art & Music

Basic Chemistry

Allows creation of basic laboratories


Allows shaping of wax moulds, and pouring of liquid metal.

Ferry Cosntruction 2

Ferries that can go a full 500 feet

Fine Casting

Allows one to quickly craft poor quality shovels


Allows creation & operation of Glazier's Benches.

Opticon Construction

This tech disappears when one tries to read the requirements. Its requirements are likely to be in the distant, distant future.

Pyramid Construction

With broad knowledge, allows construction of pyramids. [nb: the person who completes a pyramid must learn Pyramid Construction from all 7 Universities.]

Science of Color

Allows one to accurately mix paint colors.

University of Body

Advanced Charcoal Production

Allows construction of sophisticated charcoal ovens.

Basic Charcoal Production

Allows construction of charcoal hearths. [nb: you may use hearths without knowing this skill]

Beer Brewing

Allows one to brew beer of many flavors. [nb: this is an EGYPTWIDE TECH.]

Controlled Burn

Allows controlled bonfires to be constructed.


Making simple perfume from the extract of Citrus peels.

Pyramid Construction

With broad knowledge, allows construction of Pyramids. [nb: the person who completes a pyramid must learn Pyramid Construction from all 7 Universities.]

University of Conflict

Conflict Shrine Construction

Marble Mechanics

Pyramid Construction

University of Leadership


Deep Well Construction


Pyramid Construction

University of Thought

Basic Trade


Gearbox Design

Pyramid Construction

Ring Mechanics

Stressed Breeding

Water Mining

University of Worship

Advanced Animal Husbandry


Ambrosia Brewing

Animal Husbandry

Barley Cultivation




Pyramid Construction

Thistle Growing

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Last edited September 1, 2004 9:53 am by sinless (diff)