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Beta > Gem Mining

The place to record any infomation, theorys, facts etc about gems.

Gem Map Let's try to check gem grid theory. I'm coding a page to display mines as a dot colored with gem's color to draw a grid over egypt map, i'll put it online asap.

Other theory : gem veins, from a mines grid
Gem deposits seem to be small local zone, Ankh-el-Pandemis is experimenting a gridline. Here are some results (Qz = Quartz, Ru = Ruby; To = Topaz, Di = Diamond )(15 coordinates apart)
Ru Ru Ru To To Qz Qz Qz
Ru Ru To To To Qz
Qz Qz Ru Ru

And somewhere else :
Qz Em
Di Di
(and more quartz below)

Virtually proven theorys: -

Ideas: -

Bigboy - Dirt is propotional to the number of dirt crystals, Dirt is produced when the total number of dirt crystals > the total number of non-dirt and gems are vice-versa, but there is another min limit on no. of crystals. All we have 4 emerald mine in a straight line next to each other. This line goes NW-SE I propose that gems are found in diagonal seams.

At Vok, navy/mottled is Small quartz, (report more later), I would guess that the mine knows which is the most common non dirt crystals and auto assigns them in order of rarity. (?) Not so (thought I wish it was)... I have mines that produce tons of junk, which give nothing, and the small and medium gems come from the minor copper types. (Nefer-Bast)

Chichis - Gems appear to be in grids of 40x40 or 50x50 coordinates. Any mine within a grid will produce the same type of gems. This is the size of the diamond and sapphire grids I tested. Other gems might have different sizes, but I don't think so.

Both times my emerald mine produced a purple/mottled, they were large emeralds.

Crystal Type Size Produced
Purple/Mottled Large
Red/Black Medium
Blue/Mottled Small

Astrina - Blue Black Cloudy (which seems to be a rarer crystal, at least for me)is showing up in many of my gem producing stones. I had one completely pure (with approx 12 of the blue black cloudy crystals) and that resulted in a large Sapphire. Overall, it seems to be the crystals that don't make metals that produce gems, though, still not all of them (some still produce nada). The quantity of crystals seems to decide size of the gem. (we've had copper ores produce gems. also it seems to be type instead of number that determines this. - Nefer-Bast)

Crystal Type Size Produced
Purple/Mottled Nothing
Spotted/Green Dirt
Navy/Mottled Small
Cloudy/Green Medium
Spotted/Sky Large
Black/Red Dirt

This is at my camp. About 1000 coordinates West, Mottled/Navy was yielding dirt for me.

(Saintcyr)... sapphire sizes in sinai public mine at 2220 5410
navy/black Small
green/spotted Medium
aqua/cloud Large
???? Huge
and same for emerald mine at 2200 5370
navy/black Small
green/spotted Medium
aqua/cloud Large
???? Huge

I am bad at telling colors apart... could be green mottled or tealspotted and the aquacloud could be some sky or navy blue... sorry

Nefer-Bast: results from 2 quartz mines and a ruby mine, all fairly close together, in RSO center, AND another quartz mine most of the way to the Nile (several hundred coords).
crystal type(s) size produced
purple/mottled, red/cloud, sky/black, green/cloud, navy/mottled[sand], teal/spotted[?] nothing
green/mottled small quartz/ruby
purple/spotted medium quartz/ruby
pink/black large quartz
red/black huge quartz

AT the Nile, however, only a bit farther on, we got a mine with an output quite different from the others, and a different pattern. This appears to be mostly mud, with dirt and copper.
teal/mottled, red/cloud, navy/mottled[?], green/mottled, purple/spotted nothing
green/spotted dirt
pink/mottled small quartz
green/cloud medium quartz

Ashmael: I have observed an interesting result: different shapes of the same color can produce different gem results. The following tests were performed on pure stones:

Sinai 1 SB+ nothing
Sinai 2 SB+ nothing
Sinai 5 SB- small quartz

Should 1 or 2 pure crystals in a stone be sufficient to yield a gem in a gem-bearing crystal color? If so, then SB+ (sky/black wide shape) and SB- (sky/black hexagonal shape) are different, at least in their gem yields. --This distinction is now confirmed - I have a mine that does this (although for mine SB+ gives gems); P/M+ and P/M- turn out to be completely different ores. Unsure if depth is also relevant. (Nefer-Bast)

Some of my other observations:

Sinai NM- nothing
VoK NM- small quartz
Sinai RC+ nothing
Sinai SC? large
Sinai TS- medium

In Karnak my mine has been producing solely quartz with the following data:
Crystals (#) Type Gem
Navy/Mottled (pure) Small Quartz
Navy/Mottled (5)/ Green/Spotted (7) Small Quartz
Navy/Mottled (10) Small Quartz
Navy/Mottled (10) -O, Navy/Mottled (5) +O, Sky/Black (1) +O Dirt and Small Quartz
Green/Cloud (2), Green/Spotted (5) Medium Quartz
Green/Cloud (4) -O Medium Quartz
Green/Cloud (1) -O Green/Spotted (2) +O Medium Quartz
Sky/Spotted (3) Large Quartz
Sky/Spotted (5) +OLarge Quartz

An interesting fact to note is that the color seems to be defining in this case. The crystals producing larger gems are often considerably rarer than those producing smaller gems. Likewise blank stones consistently yield nothing (neither dirt nor gems) indicating that for the purposes of picking they have no effect and the distribution is not random. Thickness definitely seems important with N/M + producing small quartz and N/M - producing nothing. As previously reported P/M - do not produce limestone when broken.

Update: 8/31 - This data seems to no longer be accurate following the changes as of 8/29

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Last edited August 31, 2004 7:45 am by (diff)