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Sinai research)
University of Leadership (2640, 5980)
Deep Well Construction
Allows digging through the sand, for water or other discoveries.
Allows anyone to print unique, serialized certificates.
- 0/7 pinch roller
- 300/4000 boards
- 1/1000 linen
- 0/500 gold wire
Allows anyone to print money.
- 0/2 pinch roller
- 80/80 boards
- 3/20 linen
- 0/40 gold wire
Pyramid Construction
With broad knowledge, allows construction of pyramids. [nb: the person who completes a pyramid must learn Pyramid Construction from all 7 Universities.]
- 2/7 linen
- 0/70 copperwire
- 0/700 limestone
- 70/70 sand
- 0/700 small ruby
- 0/70 glass rods
- 0/7 large sapphire