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Beta > Sinai Research > Worship

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University of Worship (2240, 5350)



Allows farming and other research.

Animal Husbandry

Allows capture and breeding of wild animals.


Allows capture and breeding of wild bees.


Allows refining of metal from ore, and shaping metal tools.


Allows construction of greenhouses.


Advanced Animal Husbandry

Techniques to encourage progreation of certain typs of livestock. [nb: SHEEP POX SALVE]

Ambrosia Brewing

Brewing Ambrosia: A Beverage for sacrificing to the Gods and Goddesses.

Barley Cultivation

Allows cultivation of barley.

Hive Optimization

Recipes for essense that adjusts hive output.

Pyramid Construction

With broad knowledge, allows construction of pyramids. [nb: the person who completes a pyramid must learn Pyramid Construction from all 7 Universities.]

Thistle Gardening

Grow thistle, a nutrtious food for sheep, silkworms, and other animals.

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Last edited August 30, 2004 6:14 am by (diff)