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how it works

Crowding doesn't work on distance, but rather on number of objects (including players, trees, and dropped items) within a square.

At each point, 2 numbers are computed and the lower of the two is your crowding.

One of the two numbers is the number of objects within 500 feet (using a square, not distance) times 0.4%.

The other number is the number of objects within 250 feet times 1.6%.


In this example, the number of objects within 250 feet is 3 (even though object 'C' is more than 250 feet away distance wise), so that gives 4.8%.

The number of objects within 500 feet is 13 - or 5.2%.

Object N doesn't affect the crowding at all.

The crowding should measure as 4.8% - the lower of the two numbers.

(Please note - I wrote this off hearsay evidence and vague recollections of something once said on ENN).

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Last edited March 2, 2004 9:25 am by Tamutnefret (diff)