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A few theoretical Beer Tasting recipes

Based on yeast Y24, which can be found at (-260, 6600) with seal time 1500+-100 among other places. All recipes are predicted based on my draft Beer Spreadsheet and only a limited set have been tested. All times are based on having Quick Brew skill, multiply by 3 if you do not have it. Ingredients added "at start" are calculated based on adding at 1188+-6 seconds, those added "at end" are added at 12+-6.

The following recipes can be made Brown by adding 20 burnt malt at the start, or Black by adding 45 burnt malt.
Ingredients at start Ingredients at end Predicted outcome
9 honey 5 light Dry
- 5 light, 15 honey Dry, hint honey
- 5 light, 25 honey Dry, notice honey
- 5 light, 30 honey Fruity Dry, notice honey
21 light, 30 honey - Beer
14 light, 30 honey 15 honey Beer, hint honey
10 light, 25 honey 23 honey Beer, notice honey
9 light, 25 honey 25 honey Fruity, notice honey
22 light, 58 honey - Sweet
15 light, 60 honey 15 honey Sweet, hint honey
12 light, 57 honey 20 honey Sweet, notice honey
8 light, 50 honey 30 honey Fruity Sweet, notice honey
1 light, 86 honey 4 light Potent Dry (reduce honey to 82 for black)
5 light, 69 honey 2 light, 15 honey Potent Dry, hint honey (reduce honey to 65 for black)
3 light, 66 honey 2 light, 20 honey Potent Fruity Dry, noticeable honey (reduce honey to 62 for black)
108 honey Potent Fruity Dry, bold honey (106 honey for brown, 104 honey for black)
25 light, 70 honey - Potent
17 light, 65 honey 15 honey Potent, hint honey
14 light, 64 honey 19 honey Potent Fruity, hint honey
14 light, 60 honey 23 honey Potent Fruity, notice honey
111 honey Potent Fruity, bold honey
24 light, 84 honey - Potent Sweet
16 light, 75 honey 15 honey Potent Sweet, hint honey
2 light, 82 honey 2 light, 18 honey Potent Fruity Sweet, hint honey
11 light, 70 honey 25 honey Potent Fruity Sweet, notice honey
120 honey Potent Fruity Sweet, bold honey
108 honey 5 light Potent, hint cinnamon
96 honey 5 light, 12 honey Potent, hint honey & cinnamon
92 honey 5 light, 16 honey Potent Fruity, hint honey, hint cinnamon
89 honey 5 light, 18 honey Potent Fruity, notice honey, hint cinnamon
115 honey 5 light Potent Sweet, hint cinnamon
103 honey 5 light, 12 honey Potent Sweet, hint honey & cinnamon
98 honey 5 light, 17 honey Potent Fruity Sweet, hint honey & cinnamon
97 honey 5 light, 18 honey Potent Fruity Sweet, notice honey, hint cinnamon
104 honey 5 light Potent Dry, hint cinnamon (reduce to 100 honey for black)
92 honey 5 light, 12 honey Potent Dry, hint honey and cinnamon (reduce to 88 honey for black)
36 medium, 40 honey - Beer, hint barley

Paint recipes

aliceblue not yet tried
antiquewhite sulfur, EL, 5 Copper, Silver, 2 Carrot, Iron
aqua Cabbage, 14 Copper, Silver, Lead, Carrot
aquamarine 3 Cabbage, 3 Copper, Silver, Carrot, Iron, Clay
azure sulfur, 2 EL, 6 Copper, Silver, Carrot
beige 5 Cabbage, Copper, Silver, 3 Carrot, TS
bisque 2 Copper, Silver, 2 Cabbage, 5 Carrot, TS
black Iron, 7 Cabbage, Lead, Copper
blanched almond sulfur, EL, 4 Copper, Silver, 4 Carrot
blue 6 Cabbage, Red Sand, EL, Carrot, DT
blueviolet sulfur, Iron, saltpeter, Clay, 8 Cabbage
brown 6 Iron, 2 Cabbage, 2 Carrot
burlywood 2 Clay, Copper, Iron, Silver, Carrot, 4 Cabbage
cadetblue sulfur, 3 Cabbage, Carrot, Iron, 2 Clay, 3 Copper
carrot 10 Carrot
chartreuse Impossible with my reactions
chocolate 6 Carrot, 4 Clay
coral Cabbage, Iron, Clay, 7 Carrot
cornflowerblue Carrot, Iron, Cabbage, Clay, saltpeter, 6 Copper
cornsilk sulfur, EL, 6 Copper, Silver, 3 Carrot
crimson saltpeter, 2 Iron, Silver, 6 Carrot, Cabbage
darkblue Carrot, potash, Lead, sulfur, Iron, Copper, 6 Cabbage
darkcyan sulfur, 2 Cabbage, Carrot, Lead, Iron, 4 Copper, Clay
darkgoldenrod Copper, Iron, 6 Clay, 2 Carrot
darkgray Cabbage, Iron, 3 Clay, Carrot, saltpeter, 4 Copper
darkgreen Cabbage, Lead, Carrot, Iron, Copper, 5 Clay
darkkhaki Cabbage, 5 Copper, Iron, Clay, 2 Carrot
darkmagenta Iron, Carrot, 8 Cabbage
darkolivegreen Carrot, 8 Clay, Iron
darkorange Iron, Clay, Copper, 7 Carrot
darkorchid sulfur, Iron, Clay, 8 Cabbage
darkred 4 Iron, 4 Carrot, saltpeter, Silver
darksalmon Cabbage, Iron, Clay, 7 Carrot, saltpeter
darkseagreen 7 Copper, Iron, Clay, Carrot
darkslateblue 10 Cabbage
darkslategray 3 Cabbage, Lead, 6 Iron
darkturquoise Cabbage, 7 Copper, Silver, Lead, Carrot
darkviolet saltpeter, Iron, Clay, Silver, 7 Cabbage
deeppink saltpeter, Clay, Lead, Silver, 7 Carrot
deepskyblue saltpeter, Clay, Cabbage, Iron, Lead, 9 Copper
dimgray Clay, 9 Cabbage
dodgerblue saltpeter, Clay, Cabbage, Lead, Iron, 6 Copper
feldspar 5 Cabbage, Iron, Clay, 3 Carrot
firebrick saltpeter, Iron, 5 Carrot, Silver, Copper, 3 Cabbage
floralwhite lime, 2 Copper, Silver, Carrot, TS, 9 Cabbage
forestgreen Carrot, 3 Clay, Iron, 5 Copper
fuschia saltpeter, EL, Clay, Lead, Silver, 9 Cabbage, 2 Carrot
gainsboro sulfur, 6 Copper, Silver, Iron, 3 Carrot
ghostwhite sulfur, 3 EL, 5 Copper, Silver, Carrot, 2 Cabbage
gold Iron, Copper, 5 Clay, Silver, 2 Carrot
goldenrod 2 Copper, Iron, 6 Carrot, Clay
gray 3 Cabbage, 3 Carrot, 4 Copper
green Cabbage, Iron, Lead, 6 Copper, Clay
greenyellow not yet tried
honeydew not yet tried
hotpink sulfur, EL, Iron, Clay, 2 Carrot, 5 Cabbage
indianred 5 Carrot, 5 Cabbage
indigo sulfur, Clay, saltpeter, Copper, Lead, 8 Cabbage
ivory not yet tried
khaki not yet tried
lavender not yet tried
lavenderblush not yet tried
lawngreen lime, Carrot, Iron, 2 Copper, 6 Clay
lightblue 7 Copper, Silver, Iron, 2 Cabbage, Carrot
lightcoral saltpeter, Iron, 3 Clay, 6 Carrot
lightcyan not yet tried
lightgoldenrodyellow not yet tried
lightgreen Silver, Carrot, Iron, 6 Copper, Clay
lightgrey 6 Cabbage, Copper, Silver, Iron, Carrot
lightpink Copper, Silver, 4 Cabbage, Iron, 3 Carrot
lightsalmon not yet tried
lightseagreen not yet tried
lightskyblue not yet tried
lightslateblue not yet tried
lightslategray not yet tried
lightsteelblue not yet tried
lightyellow not yet tried
lime Impossible with my reactions
limegreen Clay, Carrot, Iron, 7 Copper
linen not yet tried
magenta not yet tried
maroon Lead, Copper, Clay, 6 Iron, Carrot
mediumaquamarine not yet tried
mediumblue Clay, saltpeter, Silver, Lead, 7 Cabbage
mediumorchid Iron, saltpeter, Clay, Carrot, 7 Cabbage
mediumpurple not yet tried
mediumseagreen not yet tried
mediumturquoise not yet tried
mediumvioletred sulfur, Clay, Iron, Carrot, 7 Cabbage
midnightblue 8 Cabbage, Lead, Copper
mintcream DT, lime, 3 Copper, Silver, potash, 2 Carrot, 5 Iron, 2 Cabbage
mistyrose not yet tried
moccasin not yet tried
navajowhite not yet tried
navy 8 Cabbage, Copper, Lead, lime
oldlace not yet tried
olive not yet tried
olivedrab not yet tried
orange Silver, Clay, Iron, 6 Carrot, Copper
orangered Iron, 7 Carrot, Copper, Clay, lime
orchid Clay, Iron, Carrot, TS, saltpeter, 6 Cabbage
palegoldenrod 3 Cabbage, Copper, Silver, Iron, 2 Carrot, 2 Clay
palegreen not yet tried
paleturquoise 8 Copper, Silver, Carrot
palevioletred not yet tried
papayawhip not yet tried
peachpuff not yet tried
peru not yet tried
pink Iron, Clay, saltpeter, 4 Carrot, TS, 3 Copper
plum not yet tried
powderblue not yet tried
purple not yet tried
red saltpeter, Iron, Lead, 8 Carrot, Silver
rosybrown 5 Cabbage, Iron, 3 Clay, Carrot
royalblue Clay, saltpeter, Carrot, Iron, 5 Cabbage, 4 Copper
saddlebrown 10 Iron
salmon not yet tried
sandybrown not yet tried
seagreen Carrot, Clay, 7 Copper, Lead
seashell not yet tried
sienna not yet tried
silver not yet tried
skyblue 9 Copper, Silver
slateblue Clay, saltpeter, 8 Cabbage, Iron
slategray Carrot, 7 Cabbage, Iron, Clay
snow not yet tried
springgreen Cabbage, Iron, 6 Copper, Silver, Lead
steelblue not yet tried
tan Cabbage, Iron, Clay, saltpeter, 7 Carrot, 2 Copper
teal Lead, 9 Copper
thistle not yet tried
tomato sulfur, Iron, Clay, Cabbage, 9 Carrot
turquoise potash, 9 Copper, Iron
violet sulfur, EL, Iron, Clay, Lead, 3 Cabbage, 2 Copper, Carrot
violetred sulfur, Iron, Clay, 7 Cabbage, Carrot
wheat not yet tried
white DT, lime, 4 Copper, Silver, potash, 4 Carrot
whitesmoke sulfur, EL, 6 Copper, Silver, Carrot, Cabbage
yellow Cabbage, Iron, Copper, Clay, Silver, 7 Carrot
yellowgreen Cabbage, 3 Copper, Iron, 4 Clay, Carrot

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Last edited May 29, 2004 11:51 pm by Tamutnefret (diff)
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