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Empty Hand Locations

Feel free to add puzzle availability, current rating, new towers, etc. If you change or add a tower, remember to update the "Date Added" column. Empty cells imply missing or unknown data, please fill them in if you have visited the tower recently.

Important reminder: You may only gain 3 points per Teppy-day (exact timing unknown). To maximize point-gain, do not solve more than 3 puzzles per day (or per 2 days, to be safe).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Map of Egypt



Date Updated




Location Designer Date Updated Judgeable? Solvable? Comments
-780, 7506 Nepthys 24-June-2004 Yes Yes Newly redesigned June 24, 2004. Located at G-o-D CCR NVoK Gateway Mega
-2149, 5620 Sheldeen Empire (starscream) 28-Dec-2003 Yes Yes Starscream's puzzle is now up and ready for judging.
-2119, 7648 FeltonBender 14-May-2004 Yes Yes Taxing
675, 5900 Calchas 22-June-2004 Yes Yes part of the House of Fun Thought Structure Arcade
-2079, 7845 Brightshadow 8-Oct-2003 Yes Yes 5/23/04 Doesn't seem to exist at this location
-1986, 7729 KarlaNifritti 2/8/04 Yes Yes NVOK - Tomb in the area
-1850, 6976 Benwulf 29-Feb-2004 Yes Yes Tomb and Pulse right nearby!
-1855, 5271 Leghk 16-Feb-2004 Yes Yes CbtR Thought Park, 3 gems, 2 tombs, 1 EHT. Visit my gazebo between the uni's at -1936, 5406 too!
-1694, 4891 Kem Yes Yes 4 blocks, not hard
-1589, 5426 Nomad (old puzzle was kurtdevious) 19-Dec-2003 Yes Yes
-1585, 5666 Chichis 8-Oct-2003 Yes Yes Fairly easy
-1111, 4718 Aewl 7-Jan-2004 Yes Yes At Festival Connection Mega
-1094, 4696 Guardians of the Vale 17-Nov-2003 Yes Yes SVoK near the festival altar. Redesigned 24-Mar-04 by neonil
-839, 6416 House of Bes (antichaos) 23-Nov-2003 Yes Yes Tricky 12 block puzzle.
-795, 7500 Chewnaten 14-Dec-2003 Yes Yes New Puzzle ! 2d EHT across the road
-696, 6677 TpcT 11-Nov-2003 Yes Yes Near the CCR Cat
-562, 3645 Qetesh Yes Yes Tough :)
-503, 7929 Behemoth 12-Oct-2003 Yes Yes
-466, 2766 DoS Meta Guild Yes Yes Instant win.
-220, 6721 Tamutnefret 22-Nov-2003 Yes Yes 3 blocks. Not very hard.
-167 6272 Tree 2-Jan-2004 Yes Yes
49, 4685 Four Corners (Corwitep) 21-Apr-2004 Yes Yes New design (hard)
125, 7196 Osmirik, Skulk 12-Nov-2003 Yes Yes
517, -6676 silver Yes Yes South Egypt, elegant but fairly straightforward design. Also a Tomb, Venery, and Bijou Table here
676, 5899 Matk 12-May-2004 Yes Yes WNW of nearby Nile bridge - very basic
680, -950 Rehpic 22-Jan-2004 Yes Yes 7 Lakes, across Nile from SoT. New design.
715, -1333 Aatlemidrm 20-Jan-2004 Yes Yes Not intended to be hard but elegantly designed to allow multiple solutions
824, 6628 Tuhk 10-Jan-2004 Yes Yes NEW PUZZLE! XR Bridge West, by L2 beetle garden
912, 6811 Bakt 13-0Jan-2004 Yes Yes NW of the OE Megaopolis near Cattleman's
916, 6819 Cattleman 6-Jan-2004 Yes Yes Old Egypt Megapolis. 3 Tombs here.
962, 6564 Sodalitas Inculta 15-Oct-2003 Yes OE, SE of XR Bridge, Very Easy
1183, 5043 Grades, Frances 7-Dec-2003 No
1238, 3806 arixet 5-Oct-2003 Yes Yes RP, Rank 1 beetle garden
1270, -760 Alethe 19-Jan-2004 Yes Yes New design.
1358, -1055 Ygerna 21-Apr-2004 Yes Yes NEW design! 5 gold (or equivalent) paid to anyone who finishes it
1400, 1950 Sarabeth 6-Jan-2004 Yes Yes PIG Park, RP -- new designer, new puzzle!
1520, 5600 djehuty 11-Nov-2003 Yes Yes OE, edge of Red Sea
1971, -866 Rena 21-Dec-2003 Yes Yes easy puzzle minutes from Karnak
2141, 5926 Servants of the Sun, Igoka 27-Oct-2003 Yes Yes South of Mount Sinai; Tedious!
2443, 5644 Taarka 3-Nov-2003 Yes Yes Formerly Zanix's EHT; new puzzle! Sinai, between UoB and UoC.
2758, 5003 Bellah 27-Oct-2003 Yes Yes Sinai fairgrounds
2761, 5023 Inhoptet 10-Dec-2003 Yes Yes Sinai fairgrounds
2761, 5045 Sord 5-Apr-2004 Yes Yes Sinai fairgrounds - can be solved in 7 moves. Also, designed to be continuous so you shouldn't need to reset the puzzle to finish it (so you can't really make a wrong move, it's just a longer path, may find yourself back at the starting point though...)
2765, 5076 Muzikmn 10-Dec-2003 Yes Yes Sinai, No puzzle
3026, -1125 Arwendiel 20-July-2004 Yes Yes Needs 6 more judges!
3919, -380 Kvin, LastRaven, fiedvigo 12-Oct-2003 Yes No puzzle, E of SArt on red sea by round island of fountains
4217, 6713 Hekatef 10-Dec-2003 Yes Yes Lake of Reeds. 4 blocks. Tomb and Bijou table nearby too.
-1685, 5793 Bigboy 21-March-2004 Yes Yes At the Vok mega. Not too hard
700 5777 Susan 2-April-2004 Yes Yes North of LotR Mega
2742, 5037 Srophkor 24 April 2004 Yes Yes Next to Sinai Mega
914, 6878 Tribisha 26-May-2004 Yes Yes Designer History: Umopepisdn (26-Nov-2003), Saxamon (6-Jan-2004), Tribisha (26-May-2004)
-104, 32 Chart 29-July-04 Yes Yes BRAND NEW fairly easy right at the RS mega

(See also: Atlas, The Test of Empty Hand)

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Last edited July 29, 2004 11:28 pm by Chart (diff)