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Users > Hekatef

Elder of the Order of Khet. Resident of Lake of Reeds. Husband of Dreasimy.

Things You Can Do

While you're in Lake of Reeds, please stop by my camp (north shore of the lake, just a couple minutes' run northeast of the LoR Megalopolis) and give your mind a workout at my Thought puzzles.

Meanwhile, at the Lake of Reeds Megaloplis, you can enjoy my Pulse of the People, and play the story-based Venery "Isis and the Seven Scorpions", of which I'm a co-designer.

My Set's Ladder can be found at (3878, 6720), just a few minutes west of the Lake of Reeds Megalopolis. Try to crack the secrets of Egypt's first particle collider! Ante is just 1 charcoal.

Tests Passed


Acrobat Moves Known (131 Facets Taught)

Although I don't see myself likely to put forth the enormous effort to completely pass Acro, I am always happy to teach and to learn.

Current projects


I love making paint -- don't ask me why, I just do -- and I can mix all 142 colors of paint. My recipes are listed here. I'm working to discover still more efficient (i.e. less mushroom-intensive) recipes for my paint colors.

I sell paint at 10 TN per unit. Generally, it is not necessary to provide me with the ingredients (though I'll always accept them, particularly Toad Skins and Earth Lights). The exception is when rare ingredients (typically mushrooms) are needed and I simply don't have them in stock -- in those cases, I will require those ingredients to be supplied before I can make the paint. In all cases, I'll provide a discount whenever the customer supplies some or all of the ingredients.

As a rule: if you provide all the ingredients and are willing to make the trip to me in LoR, I'll mix your paint for free. Such a deal!

Ribbons for Bastet

I can mix any color of Bastet ribbon dye. This page lists them all. I don't charge anything to dye Bastet festival ribbons, but you will have to bring the silk!


I've been a brewer since the day Beer Making was unlocked, and it remains my favorite in-game hobby. I own several different kettles, which serve as the sources for my various lines of beer: Obelisk, Elder's Choice, Oasis, Pharaoh's Pride, Moon Valley, Tenenit, Henket, Bennu, Semsu, and Opet. Mmm!

I'm happy to provide beer for Osiris and Hathor festivals and Banquets. My repertoire (by flavor) includes:

One limitation on the above: I cannot make Spicy Dry Barley.


(See also: Users)

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Last edited August 30, 2004 5:07 pm by Hekatef (diff)
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