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Tomb Locations

The following are the general areas and creator(s) of various Tombs of the Immortal. Please add your information as you develop your test(s).

Important reminder: You may only gain 3 judging 'points' per 3 game days (~27 RL hours). To maximize point-gain, do not solve more than 3 puzzles per day (if unsure, check under the "judging..." menu before using a tomb; there will be a warning that you are capped). The time period is fixed, and is not set by when you start judging. The rollover time is about 6:40 am game time (use the /time command).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Map of Egypt






Location Designers Date Description Passed
800, 6090 Psychodelica 23 June 2004 tomb + mosaic table no
682, 5915 Calchas 22 June 2004 part of the House of Fun thought structure arcade no
1658, -458 AgathaCathrene 08 Apr 2004 New puzzle May 1. Already passed, but come boost your focus! yes
1225, 4380 Ptenkhet 16 Jan 2004 Redesigned! By the level 3 beetle garden
-2149, 5620 starscream Jan 27 8x8 tomb challenging. Near EHT, and Kalar's Bijou table
-2110, 7650 Arquebus Jan 28 2004 6x8 design
-1992, 7730 KarlaNifritti 11 Jan 2004 7 x 7 Tomb
-1860, 5271 Leghk 9 Apr 2004 Redesign underway. Visit the CbtR Thought Park, 3 gems, 2 tombs, 1 EHT. Visit my gazebo between the uni's at -1936, 5406 too!
-1735, 5271 Zeppelin Jan 29 2004 Original 8x8 design located at Zeppelin Manor; just minutes away from the VoK Mega
-1706, 5720 aoife 29 Dec, 2003 Redesigned twice on 5-6 January. 8x8, own design, 2 sarcophagi
-1698, 5798 BigBoy 27 Dec, 2003 Since I passed and score no longer counts...old "black evil" Rush Hour puzzle is back in place.
-1693, 5798 Hodr 15 Jan, 2004
-1677 4890 Teao, Edion 7 Jan 2004 2 bijou's, 2 tombs, 1 EHT, and 2 opticons. Another tomb and bijou to come soon. Don't forget to read the Stellas!
-1578, 5433 NoMaD 30 Dec, 2003 Hard. This is a *Rush Hour Puzzle*
-1486, 7992 Baf Jan 22, 2004
-1382, 4794 idnic 30 Dec, 2003 Redesign on Dec 31. More challenging for you crazy puzzlers
-1339, 4994 Waav Jan 19, 2004 6x8 not as tough as I'd like it to be
-1331 790 Chart and MrsChart Jan 26 2004 3 Tombs and also 2 Bijou tables, have fun!
-1095, 4720 Aewl 7 Jan 2004 At the Festival Connection Mega ** Re-Designed**
-1091, 4719 Ravious 30 Dec, 2003 A challenging 6*8 at the Festival Connection Mega
-1090, 4710 Hobbes Jan 23 Original design 8x8 tomb. Difficult tomb. At Fest Con mega. Has been unplayable for awhile...I was gone on a trip :-)
-797, 7520 Chewnaten 11 Jan 2004 pretty easy
-627, 2095 Ronja and Airmid Jan 27 2 Tombs and a Bijou ready for you to play! Ferry services provided from camp. Also, a gazebo ready for judging.
-540, 6730 Bindy 29 Dec, 2003 The Three Kings - new design
-500, 5250 Nia 4 Jan 2004 8x8 own design :) Bijou Venery and 3 block EHT here as well
-315, 2465 Tanith 18 Jan, 2004 15 min SW of Keyhole Lake, Med Difficulty 8x7
-219, 6729 Tamutnefret 15 Jan 2004 Own design, 1 sarcophagus 6x6, passed
-158, 6272 Eadric 7 Jan 2004 8x8, 3 sarcophagi
29, 4667 Corwitep 31 Dec 2003 medium difficulty
432, -5723 Zoon 10 Jan 2004 Right next to South Egypt Plaza megalopolis. Not sure how hard or unique it is as its a long way to travel and try everyone else's !
512, -6663 silver 27 Dec, 2003 also a Venery, EHT, and Bijou table here
640, 330 Smote Jan 25 In City of Nubia. 8x8 tomb. Pretty symmetric 4 sarcophagus pattern, but not particularly difficult.
686, -941 Bethesda 28 Dec, 2003 There are now 3 playable Tombs, an EHT, and a venery at this location.
687, -948 Rehpic 4 Jan 2004 There are now 3 playable Tombs, an EHT, and a venery at this location.
689, -954 Dyant 03 Jan, 2004 Quoted by Sigil as "One of the hardest non-rushhour tombs I've played. "
715, -1333 Charren, Altean, Aatlemidrm 20 Jan 2004 3 Tombs, One tomb being redesigned, other two are medium and extreme difficulty. Also an EHT, 2 bijou and gazebo nearby.
749, -805 Calaseti 6 Jan 2004 6x8, Tomb of the Ancient Mariner.
801, 5852 Dragonseye 8 Jan 2004 1 of three Tombs with this one rated a 6x6 Medium Difficulty
836, 5851 Papabondy 9 Jan 2004 1 of three Tombs this one an 8x8 Medium Difficulty
909, 6869 ravenlykos Jan22 redesigned and ready to play, north of OE mega
918, 6816 Cattleman 6 Jan 2004 Old Egypt Mega (NW across road), 3 sarcs, too easy
913, 6807 Bakt 29 Jan 2004 Redesigned on 1/29/04 Old Egypt Megaopolis (NW across road)
915, 6820 Redrac 2 Jan 2004 Old Egypt Mega, reconfigured jan 4th come play again, 7x7, slightly tricky
929, 6588 ift 9 Jan 2004 New design
930, 6800 Atene 08 Jan, 2004 OE Mega
1030, -709 Basis 3 Jan 2004 6x8 Open for judging, Solvable
1097, 5037 MadDawg 29 Dec, 2003 at Midland Valley Mega
1187, 5021 Lazink 3 Jan, 2004 Difficult but good, solvable 6x6,
1230, 5220 Sengar 06 Feb, 2004 2 Bijou tables and a Gazebo as well
1257, -327 Alethe Jan 14 5 minutes North of Karnak
1290, 4007 Devalin 3 Jan, 2004 Redesigned 1st Jan, a little more difficult now, still easy
1293, 4006 Blizzard 27 Dec, 2003 Pure Unadulterated Ebil, New and Improved
1306, 3999 Magon 04 Jan, 2004 Not playable
1347, -1051 HawkMaster 7 Apr, 2004 'Close But No Cigar'
1352, -1049 Nutterfly 6 Jan, 2004 An EHT can also be found at this location
1389, -282 Shep 28 Dec, 2003 Stands at the entrance to the Acolytes of Khnum's Valley of Tombs - just a few minutes north of the Karnak Megalopolis
1418, 1938 homegrown Jan 16 PIG Park
1435, 2790 Ledara 6 Jan 2004 Playable, not hard.
1477, -311 Narra 31 Dec 2003 AoK Valley of the Tombs - 2nd tomb
1499, -622 Kairalaa 7 Jan 2004 6x6, 1 sarcophagi at the Karnak megalopolis
1499, -629 Pardok Jan 17 2004 A few steps to the SE of The City of Karnak. (Intermediate difficulty). If you're in the area, please stroll on down to the lakes to play our Venery too!
1510, -324 Atha 1 Jan 2004 AoK Valley of the Tombs - 3rd tomb
1549, -337 Ygerna 1 Jan 2004 AoK Valley of the Tombs - 4th tomb. Redesigned 22 March.
1784, 3988 GarrettH Jan 12 (difficult) 2 Gazebos, 3 Tombs , 3 Bijou tables, and a Venery at this location. Come run the infamous Arbour Maze and have some wine.
1786, 4015 Frances Jan 12 (medium-difficult) 2 Gazebos, 3 Tombs , 3 Bijou tables, and a Venery at this location. Come run the infamous Arbour Maze and have some wine.
1794, 4008 Kayla Jan 12 (easy-medium) 2 Gazebos, 3 Tombs , 3 Bijou tables, and a Venery at this location. Come run the infamous Arbour Maze and have some wine.
2434, 5645 Zanix 4 Jan 2004 8x8 own, design.
2456, 5755 Wikt 30 Dec, 2003 JUST REDESIGNED!!! 5x8, hopefully better now
2600, -675 XSSpl Jan 2004 Fairly easy. Also Bijou and Gazebo here. EHT and Opticon under construction.
2741, 5074 Kaizen 27 Dec, 2003 Double Dozen. Different style from Rush Hour puzzles. Fairly easy
2743, 5025 Inhoptet 29 dec 2003 Reconfigured 29 dec so come play again
3000, -1116 Neena 1 Jan 2004 SW of UConf in CoTs
4047, 6612 Ay Jan 25 Ready to play near the Lake of Reeds Mega site.
4053, 6615 Dreasimy May 22 2004 REWORKED as of May 22 Lake of Reeds Mega
4227, 6712 Hekatef Jan 18 2004 6 x 7 tomb. EHT and Bijou also nearby.
2764, 5060 Children of Horus Playable
2764, 5057 Children of Horus Playable
2764, 5054 Children of Horus Playable
2764, 5052 Children of Horus Playable
2764, 5012 Bellah Playable
2764, 4994 Scholars of Thoth Playable
-1842, 6982 benwulf Feb 6 2004 Right next to an EHT.
1730,6990 MacPhisto and Aku 8 Feb 2004 Two tombs, moderately hard (both passed)
-486, 7506 Neophant Feb. 14, 2004 Playable. Located at North CCR Mega Mall. Also 3 Bijou Tables.
936, 6324 Sakurak March 6 2004 Playable located on east bank of the nile - below United Eygpt Guild
-495, 7505 Cryo March 24, 2004 Playable. Located at North CCR Mega Mall.
1300, -259 Whilan March 28, 2004 redesigned to be harder. Located north of the 7lakes by the school and uni of art aka the singing lake
3001, -1114 Arwendiel 30 May 2004 SW of UConf in CoTs - 2 Tombs and an EHT here.
432, -5723 losiris 30 Mar 2004 At the SE Plaza Mega
3992, 6666 Ketamina Playable
-1685 4885 Amy May 15, 2004 Passed 6/7/04..... Thanks everyone who played and judged it!..... Near ULead..... just a 5 minute run from Happy Palace mega in southern VoK...... 3 more Tombs, 3 Bijou Tables, and 1 EHT nearby
1098, 2114 Aiiro May 15, 2004 Playable
0, -200 Reede (and gaming zone members) June 04, 2004 5 ToI, 3 Bijou table, 2 Pulse and soon a Venery, COME TO DIG RED SAND, then PLAY our GAMES (soon event planned) not yet
1005, 4422 DarthBobo June 5, 2004 original design no

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Last edited July 13, 2004 9:15 am by (diff)