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Venery Areas

The following are the general areas and creator(s) of various Venery Tests. Please add your information as you develop your test(s).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Map of Egypt







Designers: Please list contacts who can start the venery for players under Designers, or a guild name that can be /info 'ed. Thank you. :)

-1875, 2908Lemma8 July 2004YesNo "The Gambler's Prison": A (hopefully) fun-to-play, story-based, not too easy venery around the soon-to-be-built DoS Megalopolis. Needs some time (about 1 hour), Better to play with 4 or more players who help each other.
-1066, 6420Od-Al15 Nov 2003Yes Difficult
-1075, 4691Zubon, Waav, Asarel, Asarelah, Hobbes, Cassie 09 Jan 2004YesNoquick venery celebrating the Festival Connection Megalopolis - wine is provided for groups of 4 or more. :) Very short, good for your first venery.
1260, -327Alethe, AgathaCathrene14 Feb 2004YesNo "Journey of the Dead King"
4080,6630 Ay, Dreasimy, Hekatef 04 Apr 2004 Yes No "Isis and the Seven Scorpions" (Story driven, takes 30-60 minutes to complete, prizes at the end for all!) At the Lake of Reeds Megalopolis.
972,6930 Cattleman, Kir, Redrac, Adelanthal, MacPhisto, Tribisha Feb 2004 Yes No
-1991, 7733 KarlaNifritti 03 May 2004Yes No Take a tour of the once mightly Theopolis area of NVOK. Open Now. EHT, Tomb and Bijou as well.
630, 5732 LittleCleo, kumanatra, Khatzesput, Corwitep 21 May 04 Yes No "Beer and Wine" - Alcohol driven venery. LotR Mega, Susan's venery, EHT, 2 Pulses as well
692, 5784Susan2 April 2004Sort Of No Click & Win venery for those who would like to enjoy some quick Focus points. LittleCleo and kumanatra can open it for you. Proper venery nearby.
-2343, 6446 Sphinx Jan 15 2004Yes Yes Open at last
-504, 6738Bindy31 Oct 2003Yes Yes Playable!!! Bindy's Valley Venery!
-110, 6800 Pameow, Tamutnefret, Cyzica19 Jan 2004YesYes "Camel Lake" 150 coord radius
512, -6666 Jaby, apathy, Estruscus, Gormengast, Qetesh, TpcT 12 Mar 2004 Yes Yes "Bored of the Rings" You take the role of Frito the Hobbit in this fantasy adventure!
693, -961Dyant Rehpic Sigil Sadeh Tweetiti Traum Brant14 Oct 2003Yes Yes'Yep' - not a "real" venery. It's a dummy venery to show people how running once works, chat with someone in the group about having them run it for ya so you can learn a bit about veneries and get a judging point out of it. (Real venery coming Soon[tm])
950, -6262TemmillonMar 21 2004YesYes A self-guided tour of the Southern Delight Fruitery orchard and area.
1593, -348Ygerna, Shep, Narra6 March 2004YesYes"A bunch of roses", 5 mins run north of Karnak, takes approx. 20 mins
2003, -853Followers of Anubis24 Oct 2003YesYes 'Sounds'
2716, 5076 Mau, Somali Jan 30 2004 Yes Yes "The Star of Sinai" - Based of the classic "Clue" game. Someone has stollen the Blue Star of Sinai stone, and you must discover who did it, where he did it, and how. You have to make many choices, deciding who to trust. You could partner with the one who did it! Not much running, and farily short. Its moderate difficulty. More info:
313, -6628 losiris30 Mar 2004Yes Yes 'The Seven Deadly Sins of Egypt'
-2175, 5592Sheldeen Empire (starscream, hyp, kalar)25 Nov 2003Yes12 Jan 2004"Trial of Three". Competitive Racing venery, full details
-2119, 7643Arquebus MojoRa Zisoni26 Jan 2004Yes 02 Feb 2004 "Quest for the Keys" - brand new design
-1716, 5788antichaosFeb 11 2004Yes22 Feb 04 Circle of Seven /join BBC in game for details on the next running.
-953, 4850 Star Lake Venery17 Nov 2003No07 Dec 2003Contest Venery - First Venery to pass the Test of Venery. Still up but designers quit/on leave.
512, -6668silver28 Dec 2003Yes05 Jan 2004"Numbers" - requires experience with many aspects of ATitD, but basically short and not much running. Also a Tomb, EHT, and Bijou table here
961, -706Basis15 Nov 2003Yes19 Jan 2004
1270, -1016Pardok, Oedipa 22 Feb 2004Yes 29 Feb 2004 "The Two Brothers"- An epic tale of two brothers, Tatenkuf and Khenemetset. You will have the option of following two separate paths, each important in its own part, but making up a singular storyline. Each path, in turn, branches off into other paths, thus creating a dynamic, “choose your own adventure” type of puzzle. Each path has multiple endings but only one "right" ending. Find the "right" ending and you will get a codeword. Tell the codeword to the Venery's owner and win a prize. Find both "right" endings and win the Grand Prize. (Challenging and fun. Some running)
1743, 4000Kayla, Frances, Dwadja, Kona, blondie MadDawg, EranuJan 12 2004Yes25 Jan 2004 Crazy Little Cunnundrum
-1553, 5753 Wikt Harco 22 Nov 2003No "Hunt of the Crescent Lake". Contact Harco if you want to play.
-1119, 4827 Akh-Menhed, Stampy, Abraham, idnic, asrael, GwydionPendragon, neonil 26 Jan 2004 No No Tombs of Deir el-Medina. Under construction.
-443, 6726VotL Venery Design Team?No Under Construction
-53, 2799NosajofOxicropolis31 Oct 2003No Re-Configuring
1137, 4019Vox Mentis01 Nov 2003No Under Construction
1261, 4012Blizzard31 Oct 2003No Under Construction
1421, 1931Pig Park Venery Design Guild25 Nov 2003No Under Construction
3030, -1126Sigil04 Nov 2003No 'Elixir of the Sun'. Coming soon.
-500 5250 Nia 5 Nov 2003 No Yes Tomb Bijou EHT and Gazebo all here :) (As Nia is dead, this venery is currently not playable.)

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Last edited July 8, 2004 11:45 pm by Lemma (diff)