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Guilds > Amazons

Every night is party night at Amazons!

Amazons is an all-female guild (all real-life-females, not all-female-avatars). Contact one of us or come to our guildhall (/info The Amazons to find us) if you're interested in joining!

Female gamers are a small and overlooked group, and many of us have a hard time finding each other. It is with this goal in mind that Amazons was founded - as a way for a minority among a minority to find and talk to one another, and support each other through hard times, in game or out.

Amazons is located in the Desert of Shades, at -1407, 783.

The Amazons sponsor one man once a month to join them for a weekend of fun. Guests are HIGHLY encouraged to put this illustrious title in their in game /info.

-= Here are the past men of the month =-

Mr. November 2003 - FaceAnkh
Mr. December 2003 - G
Mr. January 2004 - Rehpic
Mr. February 2004 - Taarka
Mr. March 2004 - Sigil
Mr. April 2004 - Tpct
Mr. May 2004 - Kaelo
Mr. June 2004 - ? who knows, maybe YOU could be next :D

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Last edited June 3, 2004 4:20 am by Tickle (diff)