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Guilds > City Of Nubia

The City of Nubia was founded by Teorton, Tumaini, and Nadorim, who were soon joined by SoliRosa, and Elric (and AtuAmani as northern recruiter). We live in plots where we have our tents and more personal buildings, and share the more advanced buildings, which have also been planned for crowding. (more to come perhaps, some day when I'm not as tired as I am today -- Tumaini)

The following is a typical description on how the City operates (thanks to Moctezuma's post from the forums) -- Jolinar

New citizen-to-be gets to the city. Take City Tour to all the areas (industrial, residential, clay, pens, mines and OIs, etc. You can read the full menu at Nubia posts) Any Nubian can show you the place and you can ask all you want. Read the messages at the City Hall. Like the rules? Ask to join and you get the one empty plot you like to build your tent like everybody else. Nubia Elder must be present to welcome you and give you your piece of land.

Initiate you are now, you get access to what you need to build your tent, nails are free since it can be a real pain to get it. After your first lightning strikes you, Nubia Elder makes you member, whats next? Its up to you. All basic buildings are done so you can make stuff for tuition or any test. We can answer all your questions or you can have a mentor if you like, no pressure if you feel like not needing one.

NAC Nubia Announcement Channel. Join this not-chat guild to know whats going on the city.


========== Moctezuma: Cuttable stone dig wanted. Chat me if interested. ========== XXXXXX: Nubia welcomes new citizen "Whateverthenameis" ==========

New city projects approved by City Council also listed at this channel, so anybody can help if he/she feels like. City Planner label any city projects chest like: "Gears for quarries" Citizen A melt iron from Nubia mines and stash it, B stash some cc, C collects wax from private or Nubia apiaries, etc. A (Europe timezone citizen) starts the casting and D (American timezone citizen) finish the job. "Anybody else need the casting box?? No? ok i m putting the fire off". D stash gears in chest next to gearbox table and say it so at NAC. Since gearboxes are hard to get chest is label to Patriarch, any way new members dont know how to use the gearbox table and by the time you can do it chances are you will be city Patriarch so no big deal here.

Don't like rules? A city or any group of ppl cant ask to prosper in a civilizing way without rules. Don't like ppl all around your place? Don't like to get drag to an spontaneous aligment or wine tasting party in the middle of the nite? Nubia is not for you.

And the story goes on... sounds like Utopia to you? It was for me! I do love Nubia and if i ever get to Tale 2 i ll join for sure. -- Moctezuma

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Last edited March 8, 2004 10:03 pm by (diff)