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Guilds > Wu Wei

A key principle of oneness with the Tao is of wu wei, or "non-action." Wu wei arises from a sense of oneself as connected to others and to one's environment.

Wu wei is action that is spontaneous and effortless.

Our guild is located in South Egypt, on the lake just north of the South Egypt Plaza megalopolis.

Our membership:
ChaiaLeah Elder
Jemoa Elder
Fexxer Patriarch
Stacocracy Member

Location List

Location Description
289 -5638 guild hall and main camp
249 -5456 ore infernos
242 -5557 copper mine near OI
225 -5474 iron mine near OI (automated)
248 -5747 iron and copper mine with End kitchen, near main camp
-31 9 guild chests near Red Sand mega
-449 1924 dirt mine near cactuses
796 -7438 zinc mine
-600 -5166 zinc mine

                                    Map of Egypt




        This one is easy, but don't miss a tick!
        Adding water means you don't have to deal with complex timing
        You simply hold the heat at 5 until you are done.
        Note: holding heat at 5 rather than 6 increases charcoal yield.

        Start with:
            An even number of limestone
            Same amount of water in jugs
            Same amount of wood, plus 11 extra.

        Build an 11-wood bonfire.

(heat) wood
0 11 light the bonfire
1 10
2 8
3 5
4 1
5 0 add all limestone
add 1 water, 1 wood
5 0 add 1 water, 1 wood
(repeat each tick until all water is gone)
5 0 allow to burn down
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0
0 0

        Result: 1 lime for every 2 limestone
                (this is the best ratio you can get)
                1/2 to 1/3 as much charcoal as wood

Octec Crystals

Crystal Have Spare Need Notes
Amen Ra 4 Closed in RP and VOK
Anubis 4 1
Bastet 4
Bes 4
Buto 4
Dua 4 Closed in RP, Open in VOK
Hapy 4
Hathor 4
Horus 4
Isis 4
Maat 4
Min 4
Montu 4
Osiris 4
Set 4
Shu 4
Sobek 4
Tawaret 4
Thoth 4 5
Wepwawet 4
Scrip - RP 1
TOTAL 80/80 7 2

WuWeiChaiaLeahApril 28, 2004 11:49 pm24588
wuwei.jpgChaiaLeahApril 28, 2004 11:52 pm23027Guild Photo

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Last edited May 21, 2004 8:51 pm by ChaiaLeah (diff)