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Mine Recovery

Mine recovery is a skill taught by the University of Progress. Using this skill, a mine may be restored to level one.

To install a recovery apparatus on a mine, you need:

Recovery takes one week. If the mine is undisturbed for the week, it will be restored to level one. The mine must then be repaired (at the same cost as building a new mine) before it may be used.

If the mine is disturbed while it is recovering, the recovery will fail and the recovery apparatus is lost. Any mining activity near the mine will disturb it, including working, building, or recovering any other mine. The exact radius of interference is unknown, but seems to be quite large.

Per the UoP And Trial Accounts Law, trial accounts may not learn this tech.

Recently, Sesostris has noticed that the overall ore and gems produced per mine level seems to be declining, even on new mines placed on unused veins. This decline seems to have coincided with the release of Mine Recovery. If Recovery apparati are the culprit, the effect may be Egypt-wide or have a radius like the disturbance radius mentioned above. In an effort to track this effect, it would be helpful if people could begin to post the coordinates of recovered or recovering mines.

Mine Coordinates Owner

(See also: Mining, University of Progress)

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Last edited June 18, 2004 8:35 pm by Hekatef (diff)