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Monument Of Conflict

(back to endgame) - People

All resources gathered, and the Construction Site is up at 870 -1990. The nearest Megapolis is the City of Karnak.

Monument Text is in, and copied below. For information about the challenge, see:

If there is a * next to your name, you have not confirmed yet. Please do so soon.

Journeyman, Scribe, Master, Sage, Oracle spots 100% done!

Location: 870 -1990

Oracle: Ajars


  1. Gurney
  2. antichaos


  1. Akh-Menhed
  2. Tanith
  3. HawkMaster
  4. G


  1. Nephte
  2. TpcT
  3. Od-Al
  4. Arquebus
  5. Sadeh
  6. Ift
  7. Al-Bilal
  8. Lemma


  1. Redrac
  2. Neophant
  3. Morganuk
  4. MacPhisto
  5. Alya
  6. Rhyddereh
  7. neonil
  8. Tamutnefret
  9. Alethe
  10. Safira
  11. Zisoni
  12. Aidenn
  13. Borian
  14. Shadez
  15. SnakeEyes
  16. Kem


  1. KarlaNifritti
  2. LittleCleo
  3. NarkhoII
  4. Qetesh
  5. Susan
  6. Ygerna
  7. sakurak
  8. Corwitep
  9. Dragyn
  10. DukeWilliam
  11. Dyant
  12. Kir
  13. NosajofOxicropolis
  14. Pandemonis
  15. Pentanubis
  16. Phallotep
  17. Raziw
  18. Reede*
  19. Shep
  20. Warmerdam
  21. inhoptet
  22. kumanatra
  23. silver
  24. stickwarrior
  25. Erika
  26. Rena
  27. Branco
  28. Hekatef
  29. Kalar


  1. Dana
  2. Destiney
  3. Eranu
  4. Gumby
  5. Iset
  6. Ivy
  7. Ndainye
  8. Sara
  9. Sola
  10. Val
  11. ozith
  12. Akrian
  13. Coug
  14. Cougz
  15. Dors
  16. Freakshow
  17. Gwyr
  18. Hellinar
  19. Hile
  20. Hirokache
  21. Kaelo
  22. Kairalaa
  23. Kanvil
  24. Klubbad
  25. Malthaussen
  26. Marrick
  27. Merloth
  28. Rehpic
  29. Samut
  30. Sesostris
  31. Sohgin
  32. Somebob
  33. Specz
  34. Teao
  35. Temmillon
  36. Tumaini
  37. Vilbert
  38. Yargh
  39. Zomboe
  40. archade
  41. arixet
  42. curtkram
  43. it
  44. kenshin
  45. olofath
  46. ArmEagle
  47. Haqikah
  48. Kemisi
  49. LilaMay
  50. Nepthys
  51. Rana-Ib-Asar
  52. Telitha
  53. Tickle
  54. Ubasti
  55. Zanna
  56. Cattleman
  57. Eadric*
  58. FaceAnkh
  59. Heph
  60. Pjotr
  61. WoundedOne
  62. Yasser
  63. jwbarry
  64. Amethyra*

Monument Text:

There is a story from a time now forgotten by most, when Egypt was just a fledgling community. A derelict ship, far larger than our simple ferries, became beached on Egypt's shores. Inside, the Pharaoh and his scientists found a great treasure; thousands of debens of a brilliant yet durable metal unknown to Egypt. The Priests declared the bounty a gift from the Gods, sent to help Egypt build a great society. Pharaoh asked the people to come up with uses for the metal, and when they had come to an agreement on which was the most beneficial, he would hand it over.

Egypt immediately broke into camps, squabbling over how the metal should be used. The Architects wanted to construct huge obelisks out of the material, believing they could use it to harness the power of lightning. The Politicians wanted to mint the metal into currency, arguing that a permanent and universal currency would usher in a new age of prosperity and trade. The Philosophers demanded the metal be turned over to them for research, so that they could better understand the lands across the waters. The Artists wanted the beautiful metal to mold and shape into great works of art, so that future generations would remember the Culture of the past.

The bickering went on for many months, during which alliances between the groups rose and fell, always shifting, although more often that not it was the Architects and Politicians united against the Philosophers and Artists. As for the common people of Egypt, they went about their lives unconcerned about this controversy. In fact, they made light of it, devising a game of cards which imitated the various groups all vying for the Pharaoh's attention, and the constantly-changing alliances. The game was named 'Yokir,' after the name of the beached ship.

What happened to the metal, we no longer know, other than that no group was able to lay claim to it. Some say the Stranger stole it during the uproar; others believe the Pharaoh became disgusted with the arguing and cast the ship back out to sea. However, the game played by the commoners remains today. Your challenge is to master this game, and get to know it well, so that the lessons of the past are not forgotten.

Monument Construction Site Requirements:
item quantity have pledged
Boards 80 80 -
Ink 50 50 -
Linen 100 100 -
Papyrus Paper 200 200 -
Rope 30 30 -
Slate 50 50 -

Build Requirements:
item quantity have pledged
Sevenblades (any 127 173 -
Oyster Shell Marble 49 49 -
Yellow Alabaster 49 49 -
Mud Granite 49 49 -
White Travertine 49 49 -
Canary Granite 49 49 -
Night Granite 49 53 -
Grey Star Marble 49 49 -
Green Sun Marble 49 49 -
Rose Alabaster 49 49 -
Cherry Travertine 49 49 -
White Alabaster 49 49 -
Jade 49 49 -
Blue Pearl Marble 49 49 -
Hornet's Wing Granite 49 49 -
Serpentine Marble 49 49 -
Tigers Eye Granite 49 49 -
Leopards Paw Marble 49 49 -
Island Blue Marble 49 49 -
Mountain Marble 49 49 -
Tangerine Marble 49 49 -
Fire Rock 49 49 -
Blood Granite 49 49 -
Steel Sheeting 8200 8570 -
Copper Sheeting 3400 3400 -
Copper Straps 500 500 -
Boards 5500 6082 -
Rope 150 150 -

Pledge Name
11 Blood Granite, 3 Blue Pearl, 1 Canary Granite, 20 Cherry Travertine, 26 Green Sun, 10 Leopards Paw, 13 Rose Alabaster, more as I dig it up Oxi
9-YA, 25-WT, 25-WA, 18-TE, 13-RA, 19-MM, 31-BP, 18-LP, 44-IB, 11-GStar, 27-GSun, 36-CG, 49-FR, 45-TM, 20-CT, 24-SM, 49-HW, 49-BG apathy
500 steel sheetings Gurney

Donated Name
10k copper ore, 60 copper straps Ozith
Some slate, copper, and other stuff Kemisi
350 Copper Straps Anonymous
9 Sevenblades, 400 Copper Hellinar
1500 Copper, 200 Copper Sheeting Solalique
2000 Copper Sheeting, 2500 Steel Sheeting (I took 9,5k copper ore and 500 copper from guild chest) Teper
500 Copper Sheeting, 1458 Steel Sheeting and 10 Mud Granite FoA
4 CG, 19 MG, 21 NG, 10 TEG, 2 YA, 20 copper straps, many sevenblades GotV
3098 steel sheeting, i can make more as needed Steus/GOO CREW
22 Night Granite, 11 Yellow Alabaster, 9 Canary Granite Sadeh
21 Cherry Travertine, 24 White Alabaster, 1000 steel sheeting antichaos
24 tigers eye, 25 serpentine, 36 rose alabaster, 22 green sun, 8 cherry trav, 18 greystar, 4 island blue, 31 leopards paw, 24 mountain marble, 10 night granite Warmerdam
A lot of marble. Apathy
Everything else Some other people

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Last edited August 30, 2004 4:57 pm by Al-Bilal (diff)