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Opticon Locations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Map of Egypt


Current Owner




Location Current Owner Name/Description Date Passed?(Y/N)
4084, 6777 Dreasimy Welcome to Valley of the Moon Winery! Year 3, Akhet II-20 N
1519, 4875 Amuniet Amun's Rainbow 08-Jul-04 No
-2461, 4841 Xaxyx
-2321, 6475 Bigboy
-2144, 7640 Arielas
-2140, 7637 Tokra
-2135, 7632 FeltonBender
-2135, 7640 HobNobGoblin
-2106, 7811 brightshadow
-2094, 5861 Hyp
-1870, 7948 Ratio
-1732 5797 Akh-Menhed "Play the great Egyptian pastime!" (passed 3 Mar) 26 Feb 2004
-1730, 5805 Dahozghe "A Gardener's Life, 24/7" (please vote) 4-Jan-2004
-1715, 5815 Leghk "Be Seeing You!" 2-Feb-2004 Yes
-1707, 5219 Guardian Trogdor! (passed)
-1689, 4886 Azhrei Bastet's Pyramid 31-Mar-2004 Yes
-1582, 5419 Kurtdevious An anniversary gift to Jemgirl (judgeable)
-1595, 5417 JemGirl
-1579, 5420 Nomad judgeable
-1596, 5426 Cash 22-Mar-2004
-1573, 5734 Cresent Lake Fishing may - 28 - 2004
-1573, 5744 Cresent Lake This is Sick May - 28 - 2004
-1573, 5754 Levi Everybody Was Kungfoo Fighting "NEW" needs judges!!! May - 28 - 2004
-1553, 8001 Niankanet
-1366, 748 Xan
-1364, 749 Xan
-1270, 7900 Folly
-1122, 4370 Bunni Optical Origami (Passed)
-1051, 2094 Dec
-1040, 6231 Bonk
-976, 7079 Dreamr
-969, 7087 HathorNe
-936, 4889 Dragynne
-790, 7490 Chewnaten
-781, 7507 Nepthys Butterfly June 24, 2004 No
-738, 6684 Arrakis
-558, 6796 Khatzesput
-512, 7925 Behemoth
-500, 3655 Qetesh not judgeable - passed 11-13-03

-470, 7200 ArmEagle Windmill (passed)
-415, 6600 Tree One Deben Perch (passed) 02 Jan 04
-412, 2701 Var-LeTha In or out? 29 May 2004 No
-178, 6729 Cyzica 19 Apr 2004 No
-115, 7082 Spinx
-57, 2842 bobinadodina
-95, 2730 Bhenalus Ieophel Flight of Color: according to Airmid a very pretty flying dragon! Needs more votes, only a short walk from Keyhole
406, -5845 Faber
537, -6636 silver The Amazing Juggling Opticon (no longer judgeable)
741, -808 Calaseti Lighthouse at the Wishful Thinking Marina
760, 7197 RichardDJames
776, 7205 Osmirik
788, -997 kanvil
794, -997 basis
847, 5847 Dragonseye
863, 6601 Ift not active 15 Oct 03
918, 6605 Ift not active 15 Oct 03
926, 6562 Inles Geometric Patterns 15 Oct 03
1008, -6262 Temmillon "Blossoming Citrus Fruit", at SDF 27 Mar 04 Yes
1057, 6573 Cattleman (OERG) still needs votes titled YEE HAW!
1208, 5021 Nefer-Bast reconfiguring, not judgeable
1213, 6822 Nidhod
1215, 6817 Nidhog
1259, 4012 Blizzard judgeable
1267, 3778 Magon
1282, 3960 Bri
1306, 3631 Cyrin
1308, 4006 Valentine
1364, 1985 homegrown
1371, 3982 Torous
1415, -897 Nutterfly
1499, -614 Kairalaa Rising pyramid 03-Jan-2004
1465, 4088 Thyilka not judgeable.
1503, 7015 Atritax 'The Forge' 15-Dec-2003
1514,5506 Inu Silkwork Escapee - Passed 9-Jan-2003
1547, 7373 not judgeable
1564, -998 Astrina
1615, -938 Coyan
1987, -873 Yargh Welcome to FoA (passed)
2003, 5890 DraconiasIV 'Faceplant' 7-Oct-2003
2241, 5107 JerryOwens Not Designed
2434, 5612 Greysphere Scorpian 16-Oct-2003
2740, 5000 Inhoptet Butterfly redone again.. sinai mega 16-Jan-2004
3085, -1155 Sigil
4050, -311 fiedvigo
1742, 4000 GarrettH "the Lush" (passed) 1.6.4
987, 6942 Tribisha Mesmorize 11 Jan 04
794, -1002 Tweetiti Pong, the first ever video game this is the 7L Opticon garden several other designs are judgable Yes
-1074, 4706 Zubon Pengo the Magic Umbrella
-88, 10 Ashmael (Passed 2 Feb 04) 25 Jan 04
1270, -225 Septah Bluebird (passed) 8 Feb 04
-500, 6700 Megrez Fin de siecle
682, 5903 Seratet "The Spiraling Shape" - 4 votes as of April 20, 2004 20 Apr 04
-2093, 5866 Kalar "Random Geometric Figures of the Talentless Amateur" 24 Mar 04
-1070, 4703 Gardiner "Hey...that's mine!", at the Festival Connection mega
430, -5735 Losiris 23 Apr 04 'The Green Gem' - first attempt - please vote nicely :) Yes
1241 -289 Whilan Design of the school game fortune teller (be easy on the stray beam). I can't fix it. 26 May 04
800, -1004 Pardok To Nutterfly. Needs Votes 31 May 04 No
-1855, 5134 Vilbert Acro Guy 18 Aug 04 No
(See also: The Test Of The Prismatic Opticon, Atlas)

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Last edited August 21, 2004 9:44 pm by Vilbert (diff)