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Pyrotechnics Formulas


Name Item Minimum Maximum
Fuel 1 Charcoal 4 6
Fuel 2 Charcoal 2 4
Accelerant Sulfur 2 4
Oxidiser Saltpeter 4 6


Colour Colourant 1 Colourant 2 Fuel Oxidiser Binder
Green 4-12 Copper 4-8 Copper 3-5 Charcoal 2-4 Saltpeter 1-3 Clay
Yellow 4-8 Iron 1-7 Iron 3-5 Charcoal 2-4 Saltpeter 1-3 Clay
White 3-7 Aluminum 1-3 Magnesium 2-5 Charcoal 1-4 Saltpeter 1-3 Clay
Red 1-5 Aluminum 2-4 Lithium 1-3 Charcoal 2-4 Saltpeter 1-3 Clay
Blue Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Blue and Orange glowers can be made using alchemy

Note: All ingredients in the above table are Min-Max, there is no clear benefit to using more than the minimum.

If you're having trouble with the yellow formula above, try 3 saltpeter and 2 clay instead. This new formula worked for me while the 2 saltpeter, 1 clay formula didn't (thanks Dyant).

Similarly if the red formula doesn't work, increase fuel to 2. The 1/2/1 formula doesn't work on my bench. (Qetesh)

Thanks to Sigil for improvements on the white glower formula.

Pyro Bench Output Data

Type Batches Total Output Average Per Batch
Gunpowder 10 325 32.5
Green 23 619 26.9
Yellow 10 245 24.5
Yellow 13 477 36.7
Yellow 38 1132 29.8
White 10 155 15.5
Red 20 1032 51.6
Red 10 233 23.3

Pyrotechnic Mastery Skill doubles Pyrotechnics Laboratory output. This can *only* be learned from other players, and it is 150 lessons. Mentor Points are normally used to teach the skill instantly.

It is considerably cheaper, both in terms of time and resources, to make only yellow glowers and use alchemy to convert them to the other colors. See Alchemy Formulas for the necessary tinctures. However, it is much simpler for most players, especially newer ones, to use a public pryotechnics lab to make the different colored glowers.

(See also: The Test of Pyrotechnics, Pyrotechnics Guide)

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Last edited July 15, 2004 9:39 pm by Warmerdam (diff)