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Discussion Page


In order to consolidate our source of information as much as possible, I would like to attempt to use this page as a source of out of game communication. It is inevitable that we will need some sort of such communication. We could use a message board, but that would require visiting yet another site, when we may be able to obtain the same usefulness and functionality right here. For a format guide (which may change), each new area of discussion should be given a first level header tag ( = Topic = ), each new "post" should be given as a second level header ( == New Post == ) and each reply should be given as a new bullet ( *Reply, **reply, and so forth).


7th Dec

Ashmael: Unless I missed any that aren't in the main group or by the guild hall, all of the chests should now be viewable by everyone, so hopefully we won't have any (or we'll have fewer) inventory tracking mishaps with well-meaning people doing inventory updates and thinking items are off-site that they can't see, or with materials being spread out in different chests (e.g. flint in two separate chests). Also the list (should) now be pretty much complete and accurate (although I didn't list the flax seeds :P). I have not touched individual pages' inventory lists as I don't know whether the full list or the individual lists are intended to be used. One way or the other something's redundant. But the main, full list is up to date. Team leads might wish to update their own pages from the main list if they intend to track things separately like that.

2nd Dec

Hellinar: As Hirokache is out with computer problems, I added serveral elders to the Guild. Grime, Mentemhe and Ashmael. We have also had some volunteers for Team lead positions ( see front page), so now we down to someone to take on boards and organising the rather critical cutstone and concrete area. (Perhaps those should be split in two?). I added Contest booths for brick and nail donations, alongside the one for Boards.



Iron bars and copper straps

Zonk: Having easy access to 16 forge bank, I am up to making bars and straps (as well as some steel blades). Right now I am collecting the materials, i.e making iron, copper and charcoal. When I have enough, I'll start the forges.


Mentemhe: As a reminder, the Seven Lakes Northern Co-op is a Guild for publically accessible equipment located to the SW of 0,0. Our coordinates are roughly -250, -500, and I will set up additional RS Mega storage as needed to help with the project. The location is close enough I would reccomend that we build up a bit more here, rather than duplicate about half the necessary structures. If people prefer not to use WP time, we can set up a kitchen relay to run supplies up to the Mega site as needed.

Buildings currently include: Petrol Clinker Vat Upgraded Pigment Lab Wood Treatment Tank 4 Rock Saws (space for more) 4 Student's forges 4 Carpentry Benches (lousy wood runs, though) Watermine Balanced Gemcutting Table Detonation Box Brick Machine

Likely additions would be: 2 more Clinker Vats 4-6 more Rock Saws 2nd Watermine

Labor Requests

3rd Dec


For those uncertain of how they can help the project, here are some less-obvious examples:

All of these items can be brought to the Co-op and stored (I've got one RS Mega chest buit, and will do a few more shortly). That way, anyone who can use the materials only needs to show up and create the finished product.

For example: Sulfur is used in treating wood, as a catalyst for paint, and (possibly) in explosives. If our paint people each get enough sulfurous water for their needs, we're using a lot of time fetching the water, evaporating, etc, before the finished goods can be started (and they have to repeat for saltpeter, potash, etc). If somebody wants to bring down a few hundred finished sulfur, it would be on-hand as needed for all of the projects, saving a lot of effort overall and speeding completion of some components.

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Last edited December 14, 2003 8:25 am by (diff)