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Red Sand Megalopolis

Welcome to the Red Sand Mega Wiki. Our goal is to build a Megalopolis -- and therefore establish a waypoint for all citizens of Egypt -- alongside the red sand dig at 0,0.


16th Jan. Megalopolis Center constructed. Seven Day Deadline Starts.

18th Jan. Materials all on site. Ready to start loading building sites. Build Progress

23rd Jan. Build Completed!!!!


The members Red Sand Megalopolis would like to thank the Midland Valey Megalopolis for a Substantial donation of treated wood, paint, cuttable stones, iron bars, and other misc. supplies. A complete list of donated materials has been added to the Donations page. Thanks to Hellinar who shifted the materis from the Midland Valley Site to the RS Mega construction area.

Thanks also to Zubon and Tumaini who have offered their labor for the making of paints for the Megalopolis.

Also, thanks to the Keyhole Lake Megalopolis. They donated around 45,000 nails, just shy of 500 concrete, and 99 Cuttable Lapis. They also agreed to trade just over 4500 cut stone for Red Sand.

Another large donation of materials was given to the Red Sand Megalopolis by Karnak. Thanks to Karnak for this large donation. The list of materials given will get on the Donations page.

Materials Teams

Paint Lead: Tetisheri
Metal Lead: Zonk
Bricks aszimutt
Concrete Volunteer Needed!
Cut Stone Lead: Moctezuma
Gems Lead: Ashmael
Boards Lead: Neena
Infrastructure Lead: Mentemhe
[Trade and Acquisitions]? Lead: Hirokache

Scheduled Tasks

Jan 18th. Materials all on site, with four Teppy days on the clock. Now we start loading..

Materials Summary

The complete materials list is here: Materials

Discussion and Member Listing

Some discusion about the project can be found at: Discussion

A complete members list is here: Member List

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Last edited January 24, 2004 12:36 am by (diff)