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South Egypt

Formerly Western Grounds and Eastern Grounds, the two regions were economically inseparable from the beginning. Research in both regions became coordinated by silver, such that the two regions were technologically linked as well. At this time it became apparent that they should be treated as one region since they functioned as one reigon.

The land, especially on the eastern side of the Nile, is very open with many trees and plenty of open campsites. The social center of South Egypt has long been the South Egypt Plaza, located in the area around the South Egypt Crossroads north of the long and winding peninsulas which are the defining geographical feature of South Egypt. This area is reputed to hold the largest collection of public buildings in all of Egypt, and was recently selected as the home of the South Egypt Plaza Megalopolis, now open for waypoint travel.

Notable guilds in South Egypt are Right Hand of Anubis, Paper Street Soap Company (aka silver), Starlight Tears of the Archaic, Egyptian Architects Society, The Western WG River Camping, Obelisk Bay Trading Company and The Beautiful People (listed oldest to newest), all of which are located around or near the peninsulas west of the nile. The regional training guild, South Egypt Academy, is located due north of the Megalopolis.

Local attractions include Egypt's only active Volcano and the largest orchard in Egypt: Southern Delight Fruitery.

There are also several mentorship guilds, supporting newcomers who decide to settle in the area, and of course the South Egypt Chat, Commerce and Communications meta guild, open to any resident of South Egypt, or anyone with a vested interest in South Egypt.

(See also: Regions)

Edit History
Corrected Spelling of the word "region" from the misspelling "reigon" - Zoon

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Last edited April 20, 2004 7:25 pm by (diff)