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Guilds > South Egypt Academy

South Egypt Academy is a training guild for anyone living within navigation range of the South Egypt Plaza Megalopolis. The guild hall is located a short distance due north of the mega.

We have a small campsite that may be used by initiates, located west of the guild hall on the southeast shore of the lake. Initiates are not required to live at the campsite, but may build chests, tents, or private camps in the area westward along the lake. Initiates are also welcome to improve the campsite -- please remember to contribute these buildings to the guild!

There is also a huge public park south of the guild hall and the mega, along the river. Any facilities not found at the SEA campsite can probably be found here.

Some SEA-owned iron mines can be found at 155, -5400 and are usable by all new initiates, along with an +End kitchen to help you mine faster. You only need to eat once! (Thanks, WebGorilla!)

Guild-owned mining locations:

Location Type
155 -5400 iron mines with +End kitchen
242 -5557 copper mine near pub OI
215 -5350 aluminum/quartz mine
249 -5456 publically usable ore inferno

Member Profiles

Seniority Name Role Home Guild Notes
1 Trooper? .
5 Gormengast? Elder
65 Tantras? .
67 WebGorilla Elder
74 DraconiasIV? Elder
75 akela?
237 Gigemohsix?
262 Stacocracy? Elder
271 losiris Elder The Beautiful People
283 Asilotep? Elder
284 Mythomep? Elder
307 Setsekhneb? .
313 Etruscus? Elder The Beautiful People
327 ChaiaLeah Elder Wu Wei Recently took over from Gigemohsix as guild director.
327 SunnyOne? Elder
327 jemoa? Elder Wu Wei
329 Solalique Elder
331 Hotepankh? Elder
336 RaLoMein? .
343 Solanum? Elder
346 Rrip? .
347 Aknod Elder
353 Sharana? .
354 pycksou? .
358 Baalthazar? .
358 karanna? .
361 Tahemet? .
365 Elvie? .
365 TariqM .
366 hoedatzo? .
367 Kennahten? .
368 Rekmire? .
368 Seldor? .
371 Vallah? .
374 Fexxer? . Wu Wei
380 AhKhunTa? .
381 OinkBird? .
382 Megamage? .
384 Hruder? .
385 Instinct? .
386 Toblakai? .
387 ShadowAura? .
387 Shponglothep? .
388 Amalorn? .
389 AdopiEkorack? .
389 mikarami? .
391 Tuvardar? .

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Last edited May 1, 2004 5:46 am by ChaiaLeah (diff)