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The Sunset Group

It all began, again, at the ruins of the River Plains University of Body.

This area is beautiful, especially so at Sunrise and Sunset. It includes one of the highest points in Egypt, and there's a wonderful wood run, with lots of thorns, on the path up the Mountain,

and it's a perfect location for a Papyrus Drying Complex.

The Sunset Group is located about 20 minutes (as the avatar runs) directly West of the Red Sea Oasis Chariot Stop. Just follow the road, cross the Nile, and follow the road some more. Voila, our Drying Complex!

If you prefer open country, you can also come directly East from the Desert of Shades Chariot Stop. You can follow the road for about 30 minutes, or you can strike out across open country, and let your F3 popup be your only guide. Surprisingly, you can run right up the East side of the Mountain if you use the large grassy area.

Someday, when Deep Well Mines and Aguaducts become available, the Sunset Group will sponsor a Mining and Metalworking complex somewhere to the West of our main complex.

The Sunset Group, the Nileside team from Tale 1, sponsors four closely linked Guilds.

Sunset National Park, the 40 coordinate area surrounding 960, 2440 on the upper slopes of the mountain, is managed by the Sunset Group for the benefit of all Egypt. Sunset National Park includes a Papyrus Drying Complex, an indoor Art Museum for Art Works by renowned artists, and an adjacent Sculpture Garden for Gliderports, Opticons, and other pieces that are location sensitive.

The Sunset Group will be working very hard to ensure that all player built objects in Sunset National Park are assigned to the Sunset Group, so that the park can be managed effectively.

Sunset Papyrus

Sunset Papyrus is dedicated to the preservation of "wild" Papyrus along the Nile. This is an entry level Guild for new members and for more experienced members who are effective mentors. Initiates in Sunset Papyrus are provided with an opportunity to learn

We want you to enjoy the Sunset area. Our mood is that of a Quaint Historical Farm. We understand that more advanced techniques are available, but we enjoy churning our own butter.


Papyrus preservation requires an understanding of how papyrus grows. In Tale 2 (Beta) papyrus appears 200 coordinates to the North of where you planted it, 30 Teppy minutes after planting. Use your F3 map to find the coordinates, and use the /time command to track Teppy time. Our recommended papyrus run starts at the Sunset Papyrus Guildhall at 1773, 2241, right next to the Welcome Banner.

Our guild members routinely plant a few Papyrus as they move about the camp, so "wild" Papyrus can usually be found on both the East and West side of the Nile, around 2440. The average papyrus yield in this area is 1.33 Papyrus per Seed.

The most fertile area is on the West Bank between 2700 and 2800 (just South of the upper bridge). If you plant the greater portion of your seeds between 2500 and 2600, your yield will be in the 2.0 Papyrus per Seed range.

A Papyrus Hieroglyph Structure, entitled "Sunset Papyrus Guild == Preserving A Shared Resource", sets the tone and marks each corner of the Guild managed Papyrus area. The Sunset Papyrus Guild encourages its members, and others, to use the Papyrus loop as a Initiation Sculpture Garden.

Our Papyrus Drying Complex is at the top of the mountain, at 959, 2457, near the ruins of the River Plains University of Body. The complex has

Our average yield is 2.2 Seeds per Papyrus. Always dry 20 Papyrus at a time, as that improves your yield. Drying fewer than 10 Papyrus is unlikly to yield any seeds at all.

All the buildings of Sunset Papyrus, other than the Chests, are set so that they may be used by Anyone. You're welcome to stop by and chat, try out the various machines, and take a look at the scenery. The area is beautiful, especially at Sunrise and Sunset.

Additional information about Sunset Papyrus, and a map of Guild owned facilities, is available at Papyrus.

Graduation/Placement Test, Papyrus to Cafe

While a few members who enjoy mentoring will become Kinsmen in Sunset Papyrus, most folks will move on to the Sunset Cafe.

The graduation/entrance ceremony is conducted on the grassy area near the Sunset Cafe Welcome Banner, to the right of the Drying Complex ramp. The test requires you to demonstrate that you have aquired the skill of Rhythmic Strength, by gathering grass at twice the normal rate. It doesn't matter where you learned your grass gathering skills, although it is a part of the Sunset Papyrus curricula.

Sunset Cafe

The Sunset Cafe Gastronomy line is tucked into the Canyons and Crevices of the Sunset area, to the North of the ramp up the mountain. You'll also find a lot of Sunset group mines in this same area.

Sunset Group's core facilities have intentionally been kept away from the chain of lakes to the South of the ramp. Our members are welcome to live anywhere they please, so you may find guild owned facilities anywhere in Egypt, and members are encouraged to use the locator maps on the individual guild pages.

Additional information about the Sunset Cafe, the Gastronomy line, our Packaged Food outlets, and Guild owned facilities is avaiable at Cafe.

Graduation/Placement Test, Cafe to Lounge

While a few members who enjoy Food Research, Banquets, Festivals, or Trading will become Kinsmen in Sunset Cafe, most folks will move on to the Sunset Lounge.

The Graduation/Placement Ceremony is conducted near the Nileside Lounge Ceremonial Testing Table, up near the Drying Complex. By tradition the ceremony is conducted at Sunrise, as the crowning event of an all night party.

Sunset Lounge

The Sunset Lounge is an uber Guild with a very large membership. The emphasis is on Socializing, Brewing, and Vinticulture.

More information about the Sunset Lounge, and Guild owned faciltities, is available at Lounge.

Sunset Elders

This charter has yet to be ratified by the Council of Elders and Patriarchs but the following ideas are the core guidelines.

The Council of Elders and Patriarchs of the Sunset Group is responsible for setting the policies of the Sunset Group.

Council of Elders and Patriarchs

Additional information about the Council or Elders and Patriarchs, including high value properties held by the Council of Elders and Patriarchs, is available at Elders.

                                Map of Egypt

F3 Map Location

Guild or Name


F3 Map Location Guild or Name Emphasis
960, 2440 Sunset National Park A 40 coordinate area surrounding the top of the mountain is managed by the Sunset Group for the benefit of all Egypt. Sunset National Park includes the Papyrus Drying Complex, an Art Museum, and a Sculpture Garden.
959, 2457 Papyrus Drying Complex By cycling between the Nile and the Drying Complex you can easily triple your Papyrus holdings each hour. (The Guild gets a lot of donations when folks realize that they've harvested more than they can carry.)
1478,2240 Sunset Papyrus Our entry level mentoring guild focuses on basic skills, including the Preservation of Papyrus, Fishing, Growing Flax, and Grass Production.
1053, 2499 Sunset Cafe You can see the Welcome Banner for the Gastronomy Run from the Guildhall, but you'll have to look pretty hard to find the line itself. It's concealed in the canyons and crevices of the Sunset Area. The Sunset Cafe intends to sponsor Snack Bars at all of the Chariot Stops, and will glading contribute packaged food for special events.
972, 2475 Sunset Lounge The Lounge is our uber Guild. The emphasis is on socializing, Brewing, and Vinticulture.
929, 2690 Sunset Elders The Sunset Elders Guild is located in the Caldera North of Sunset Park. This area serves as the headquarters for the Sunset Group, and is also the resupply depot for the Gastronomy Line.
2318, 2283 Red Sea Oasis From the Chariot Stop, follow the main road to the West, and across the Nile. Sunset Papyrus will be on your left, you should be able to see the Welcome Banner, and the Drying Complex is further to the West, at the end of the road. It's about 20 minutes on foot, following the road.
-1418, 2769 Desert of Shades From the Chariot Stop, head East into the desert. You'll see mile after mile of mile after mile. There are, however, some wonderful little pockets in the Desert of Shades. If open space appeals to you, it's about 30 minutes on foot, across open country.


Each of the Guilds will have a Forum at To verify your name on the Forums you'll need to identify yourself in-world by entering the command /webpass <password>

Once you've gotten into the forum, click on CPUser in the top bar. Once you're in your Control Panel, go to the lower left of the page and click on Group Membership. Apply for membership in the SP Discussion forum and, in a day or so, you will have access to the Sunset Papyrus forum.

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Last edited September 2, 2004 8:53 pm by (diff)