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Sunset > Papyrus

Sunset Papyrus

The Sunset Papyrus Guild is Mentoring (New Member) Guild that's part of the Sunset group. The mood we aim for is that of a Quaint Historic Farm. We know more advanced techniques are available, but we like to churn our own butter.


New members come from a variety of gaming backgrounds, and it sometime takes folks a few days to realize that ATITD is not about In your Face, Thud and Blunder. To be sure, ATITD has plenty of challenges and conflicts, but the situations are more subtle than you might expect.

Much of the fun in ATITD, especially during the first few weeks, comes from figuring out how everything works. We're not going to deny you that fun by doing everything for you. On the other hand, if something seems unreasonably hard, or we notice that you're struggling, help is readily available. Simply ask your question on the guild channel. If the answer are wildly incorrect, one of the Kinsmen, Patriarchs, or Elders is likely to add additional information but, if you're close, they'll generally let you sort the matter out yourselves. New friends, and shared successes, will be the most lasting benefits from the time you spend with us.


Everyone is the Guild participates in the Guild Channel. Keep it interesting. Extended conversation between two parties are best taken to a private chat channel. The /af <name> command, followed by F11, provides a popup with the online status of your friends, and provides an easy way to open a private chat channel.

If you can't use certains words and expressions in the classroom or office, don't use them in the Guild chat channel.

We're not particularly interested in how badly you're being treated by someone. If you can't resolve the situation by yourself, ask one of the elders to get involved. In particular, don't ever complain about people "Stealing Papyrus that You Planted." Papyrus is pretty, and folks are inclined to grab it when they see it. The Guild receives far more in donations that it ever loses when people pick the "wild" Papyrus.

Length of Stay

Keyboards and Mouse Tracks

Forums, Wikis, and Technology Trees

Gathering Resources






Planting and Gathering

Drying Racks and Flax Hammocks


Water Jugs, Clay, and Flint

Processing Resources

Water Jugs and Veggies

Onions and Sheep

Wood Planes and Carpetry Benches

Brick Rack Arrays

Flax Processing

Flax Genetics

Flax Combs and Hackling Rakes


Student Looma and Hand Looms

Art & Music Initition

Box Kilns and True Kilns



Ore Mines

Mining Carts

Smelters and Furnaces

Student Casting Boxes

Student Forges


Rhythmic Strength

Leadership Initiation

Mentor Shrines


Member Compounds

Members in the Sunset Papyrus Guild are under no obligation to disclose the location of their primary camp, nor to guild any of their machines. If you do chose to donate one or more of the machines in your camp to the guild, you are encouraged to post the location of your camp here on the Sunset Papyrus Wiki page.

There are two reasons, really.

If you decide to drop out of the Guild, the property in your camp will be return in most instances, although the Elders do have the option of retaining property that was created for the most part using guild resources, or as compensation for damages.

                           Map of Egypt

F3 Map Location

Guild or Name


F3 Map Location Guild or Name Emphasis
1478, 2440 Papyrus Sculpture This is the point, 200 coordinates North of the guildhall, where you are most likely to find Papyrus planted by Sunset Papyrus.
959, 2457 Papyrus Drying Complex By cycling between the Nile and the Mountain, you can easily triple your Papyrus holding each hour. (The Guild gets a lot of donations when folks realize they've harvested more than they can carry)
1478,2240 Sunset Papyrus Our entry level mentoring guild focuses on basic skills, including Fishing, Growing Flax, Preservation of Papyrus, and Grass Production.
1466, 2304 Sunset Industries Our primary Jugs, Flax, Boards, Bricks, and Charcoal compound. Just Southwest of the Main Bridge from Red Sea Oasis
1499, 2467 Sheep Pens and Veggies If you spot a flock of sheep in the area, we have a home for them. There's also a chest with seeds for Onions and all the other Veggies.
1073, 2514 Gems and Metals (Copper) To graduate from the Sunset Papyrus Guild you'll need a Papyrus Basket, a Scythe, and Rhythmic Strength. The tuition for Rhythmic Strength is 4 Iron, 3 Copper, 2 Tin, 1 Aluminum.
956 6843 Gems and Metals (Iron) Guilliem commutes from the Nile Delta. He has an Iron producing mine and some related equipment, including a Mason's Bench, a Charcoal Hertth, a Smelting Pot, a Students Casting Box, and a Masters Forge.
2318, 2283 Red Sea Oasis From the Chariot Stop, follow the main road to the West, and across the Nile. Sunset Papyrus will be on your left, you should be able to see the Welcome Banner, and the Drying Complex is further to the West, at the end of the road. It's about 20 minutes on foot, following the road.
-1418, 2769 Desert of Shades From the Chariot Stop, head East into the desert. You'll see mile after mile of mile after mile. There are, however, some wonderful little pockets in the Desert of Shades, if open space appeals to you. It's about 30 minutes on foot, across open country, or you might prefer following the recently built road.

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Last edited September 3, 2004 5:48 am by MarvL (diff)