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The Test Of Astrological Alignment

In this Worship test, the goal is to be part of a group of five people, all of whom are "astrologically aligned" with one another. All five people then pass the test simultaneously. Each member of the group must have passed the Initiation into Worship, and must not have already passed the Test of Astrological Alignment.

Testing Alignment

"Alignment" is a quality shared (or not shared) between two people. There is roughly a 1/3 chance that any given two people are aligned with each other. Alignment (or lack thereof) is a separate quality for every pair: if Person A is aligned with Person B, and Person B is aligned with Person C, it is not necessarily true that Person A is aligned with Person C.

Alignment between two people can be determined by a simple ritual performed at a Common Altar:

  1. First person places a candle on the left pillar.
  2. First person places a candle on the left focus.
  3. Second person places a candle on the right focus.
  4. Second person places a candle on the right pillar.
  5. First person lights the candle on the left pillar.
  6. First person lights the candle on the left focus.
  7. Second person lights the candle on the right focus.
  8. Second person lights the candle on the right pillar.

After the ritual, each participant will receive a message. If they "have a feeling of emptiness", they are not aligned; if they "feel a connection", they are.

A person need not have passed the Initiation into Worship to check for alignment.

Passing the Test

Once a group of five coaligned people has assembled (i.e. each person in the group is aligned with the other four), they must visit a University of Worship, each carrying one medium quartz. One person must pay a medium quartz to start the group check for astrological alignment, the other four then verify alignment as a part of that group within a few minutes (also paying a medium quartz each). If the group is indeed coaligned, all five will then pass the test.

Benefits of Passing

People who have passed the Test of Astrological Alignment are able to start Flax Gins. It takes two people to start a Flax Gin, and they must both have passed Alignment and be aligned with each other. (They need not have passed the test together, however.) The technology of Ring Mechanics allows Flax Gins to be upgraded to avoid the second requirement. To start an upgraded Flax Gin, the starters need not be aligned with each other, but they must still have both passed the test.

People who have passed the Test of Astrological Alignment can also click on another person and choose 'Remote View' to sneak a look at *some* of the items in that person's inventory. This can only be done every 2 minutes, and does not work on someone else who has also passed Alignment.

Persons attempting to pass this test are encouraged to use the database at:

(See also: Tests)

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Last edited April 18, 2004 1:43 am by Mesaktet (diff)