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The Test Of The Windsong

Blend the sound of the wind, and the hand of man to create beautiful music from carefully crafted Wind Chimes, arranged on a Chime Tower. The musicians who create the most beautiful arrangements will be promoted.

To build a wind chime:

 50 copper wire
 30 steel wire
 8 iron bars
 20 cut stone
 100 concrete
 175 blue violet paint
 175 crimson paint
 275 dark slate grey paint
 1 amanti turquoise
 1 amanti garnet
 1 dragyn's eye amethyst
 1 dragyn's eye lapis
 1 appolonia (any)

Add chimes manufactured in an Acoustics Lab

Once you have the wind chime built, you have the option to add chimes. You only need one of each chime for the chime to work. As you load the chime in, you can pick when a chime begins playing. You can play more than one chime at once, and the chimes aren't used up while you test them.

see also Chime Tower Locations

"I can't seem to forget you, your Wind Song stays on my mind."

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Last edited April 22, 2004 7:25 pm by Solalique (diff)