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Thistle Recipes

This page lists recipes for Thistle Gardens.

In theory, thistle vitamin reactions change with the weather. However, it appears that there are few reactions active at night, and that few of these change with the weather. Recipes for night-compatible thistles (usually A-T- varieties) thus make sense to store.

Code: N = nitrogen (dung) P = potassium (saltpeter) H = water O = oxygen

A-B+C-F+N-P-T+ (2 Peret IV/17, Apr 6 Qetesh thistles)
When sun is low, max N/H/O through round 1, max H/O through round 4, let sit.

or without dung: A-B+C-F+N-P-T~ (2 Peret IV/17, Apr 6 Qetesh thistles)
No sun (sun 20-33): at 0: max water, max o2, no sun. At tick 35, add 3 ticks of water (60), at tick 37 add 1 tick of water, leave.

A-B+C-F-N-P-T- (2 Peret IV/1, Mar 30 Rehpic thistles)
if Sun > 80, max N/P/H/O for 2 rounds, max P/H/O through round 8, let sit (fast but uses lots of saltpeter)
or max N/H/O from start through round 21, let sit (longer but cheaper)

if Sun<20, max N/O through round 21, max O through round 31, let sit

A-B-C+F+N-P-T+ (Peret IV/4)
 0. 2 H, 2O
 22. 3 H (if sun < 20)
 22. 4 H (if sun >= 20)
(Final stats 0 5 89 99 0 0 99)

Theory (night): The 90/90 water/oxy with the initial Nit&Pot makes some small amounts of Bio, Car, and Nia. Once H20/Oxy drops to 50, the Nia starts converting to Fol, and at 40/40 it makes some Thi. At low oxy/water, Thi drives a cycle of producing more Thi and Car, up to maximum 89/99. At 50-60 water, 10 Nia is produced from Car. Each 10 Nia converts to 30 Fol, and allows the F+ attribute to be reached. The Car recovers via the Thi cycle when the water/oxy drops low again.

During the day, this changes somewhat: Thi is produced immediately, and no Bio, Fol or Nia is made in the initial stages. The Thi cycle still works to max out Car and Thi.

Update as of (Year 2, Peret II/30) Daytime with Shutter closed (~31 Sun)

 0. 2 H, 2 O.
 11. 3 H.
 17. 3 H.
 23. 3 H.

Nighttime with Shutter closed:

 0. 2 H, 2 O.
 17. 3H.
 23. 3H.

(Final stats 0 0 89 99 0 0 99)

Additional notes: When Car has reached 89 add the 3 H (water) and then wait till the water is 0 again to add the other 3 H (water), repeat if needed to fill Thi requirement.

B+C~N~P+ (Peret III/18 and III/19)

 0. 2N 2H 2O
 1,3. NHO
 5. HO
 7,9,11. O
 13. 5N 4H O
 15,17,19. HO
 21,23,25,27. O
 29. N 4H O
 31. 2H O
 33. O
 35, 38. HO

Peret III/18 -> 0 99 46 0 53 99 0
Peret III/19 -> 0 99 46 0 36 99 0

Theory: The only nutrient uptake used is (High H2O, High O) 10 Nit -> 6.5 Nia. The recipe cycles between high water for nutrient uptake and low water for reactions that convert 10 Nia -> 20 Fol and distribute the Fol to the vitamins we're actually looking for. When we go back up to high water, leftover Fol converts back to Nia. We have the stats we need by time 33; the additions in 35 and 38 are just to hold water and oxygen levels at "neutral values" to avoid triggering unwanted reactions.

(15 dung, 26 water)
This method uses N generation, then 2 cycles of N->F with subcycles of F->B and F->P. Same as above, but with longer breaks.
 0. 3H
 1. H
 2-6. N, H
 7-8. H, 3O
 16. N, 4H, 4O
 18,20,22. N, H, O
 24. N (not sure if this is necessary)
 30. N, 4H, 4O
 32,34,36,38. N, H, O

(Peret IV/6)
This formula is very simple.

Start with Nit, H2O, Oxy, and Sun at maxiumum until about mark 27 or until BIO reaches 80+.
Once you have reached 80+ BIO reduce Sun to low and stop adding the Nit and max out Pot, H2O, and Oxy </b>.
Keep this up till CAR is between 35-70. (No higher then 70, if it gets to high bring Sun back up till CAR is back in range.)
Once you've reached the stats needed stop adding Nit (or Pot in second phase) keeping H2O and Oxy at max until time is up.

A-B+C+F+N-P+T- (Year 2, Peret II/23,24)

A cheap recipe, made in low light(Sun < 20).

 0. 2H 20
 11. 40
 17. 30
 23. 30
 29. 30
 35. 30
 39. 0

(0 99 99 89 0 99 0)

If you skip the Oxy at tick 39, you instead get A-B+C~F+N-P+T- (0 99 79 89 0 99 20).

A-B+C~F-N~P-T+ (Year 2, Peret III/6)


 0. Max H and O, with Sun closed.
 10. Add 3 O.
 12. Max H and O, open Sun.
 14. Close Sun.
 32. Add 3 O.
 33. Keep H and O on max (99) from here till end.


 0. Max H and O.
 32. Add 3 O.
 33. Keep H and O on max (99) from here till end.

A-B+C-F~N+P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/7)

Night-time (before midnight):

 0. Max H and O.
 25. Max H and Nit. Keep H and Nit at 59 or above until end.

A-B-C~F~N~P+T+ (Year 2, Peret III/9)

Night-time (tried this after midnight):

 0. Max H and O.
 15. Max H. 
 34. Max H. 
 35. Add 4 Nit. Max H and O, keep maxing H and O until end.

A-B+C-F+N-P+T- (Year 2, Peret III/11)

Day-time (with high sun)

 0. Max H and 0 
 10. open shutters 
 19. close shutters and leave

result 00 99 10 99 0 90 20

A-B-C-F+N-P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/19)

Night-time (works till about sun 24, after that no Nia is produced)

 0-3/6. Max Nit and H2O (produces Nia)
 rest. Let all drop to 0 (turns Nia into Fol with H2O <50)

Small change for Peret III/20:

 0-20ish. Max Nit and H2O till you have 90ish Nia.
 rest. Then just wait till all drop. (Some Thi will be produced, but that will convert into Fol later too.)

result 00 00 00 ++ 00 00 00

A-B-C-F+N-P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/19)

Any-time (goes via Pyr which is produced after 24 sun, close the lid with high sun, or else Asc will be produced. So this recipe is for a High sun with clsoed lid.)

 0-21. Max Nit (produces Pyr, continue till it hits 60+)
 21-33. H2O>60 (converts 2Pyr->1Nia)
 33-40. H2O<40 (converts 1Nia->3Fol, might need some good timing to convert all Nia in time)

result 00 00 00 99 00 00 00

A-B-C-F+N-P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/22)

Day-time with closed shutters, not tested by night

  0. Plant, max H and O
 10. Add 4 H and 4 O
 11. Add 1 H and 1 O
 13. Add 1 H and 1 O
 18. Add 2 H and 2 O
 21. Add 1 H and 1 O
 23. Add 1 H and 1 O


  0.Plant, max H and O
 10. Add 4 H and 4 O
 11. Add 1 H and 1 O
 17. Add 3 H and 3 O
 19. Add 1 H and 1 O
 21. Add 1 H and 1 O
 23. Add 1 H and 1 O

A-B+C~F-N-P~T- ( Year 2, Peret III/23 )

Shutters closed or low sun

  0. Plant and max H and O
 25. Max O and keep high till end ( 1 O every other tick )

A-B-C-F+N-P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/23)

Day-time with closed shutters, not tested by night

  0. Plant, max H and O
  Keep max till 10 then stop.
 20. Add 4 H and 4 O
 24. Add 1 H and 1 O
 26. Add 2 H and 2 O
 30. Add 1 H and 1 O
 32. Add 1 H and 1 O
 34. Add 1 H and 1 O
 36. Add 1 H and 1 O

Alternate Day-time with closed shutters (Does not work)

0. Plant, Add 2 H and 2 O
8. Add 1 H
9. Add 1 H
11. Add 1 H
12. Add 1 H


Slightly modified from the above recipe, which was one tick short at the end.

  0. Plant, max H and O
  Keep max till 9 then stop.
 19. Add 4 H and 4 O
 23. Add 1 H and 1 O
 25. Add 2 H and 2 O
 29. Add 1 H and 1 O
 31. Add 1 H and 1 O
 33. Add 1 H and 1 O
 35. Add 1 H and 1 O

Adjusted for Peret III/24, evening:

  0: Plant, 2 water 2 nit
  2: 1 water 1 nit
  4, 9, 11: 1 water
You should see Nia rise to 33, then convert to Fol when water drops to 50. The extra waterings at 9 and 11 are there to avoid a Nia -> Thi -> Bio reaction that starts at water <= 40.

A-B+C-F-N-P-T- (Year 2, Peret III/27)

This is a day time full sun recipie

 0. Keep Nit and H2O max till tick 13 then leave alone.

Very simple. :-)

A-B~C-F-N-P+T- (Year 2, Shemu II/29-30)


Nighttime, Low Sun recipe. Will re-check at 8am gametime.

 0. Plant and Max Oxi/Water
 11. Max Oxi
 13. Max Oxi
 15. Max Water
 18. 1 Water
 26. Max Oxi
 29. 1 Oxi
 31. 1 Oxi

You might need to actually max the oxi again at the end. Check your B, needs to be >30.

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Last edited May 1, 2004 7:13 pm by homegrown (diff)