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Users > Homegrown

Matriarch of Protectors of Isis Guild. Married to Obiwan. Camp located at 1400, 1800 in South River Plains.

Spacious public area just a tad north of camp, right at the bridge. Loom, Master Forge, CC Oven, Vault Kiln, Pottery Deck, Petrol Clinker Vat, Barrel Grinder, Wine Tasting Table, *2* Pyrotechnics Labortories, Fully Upgraded Acoustics Laboratory, Water Mine, Detonation Box, Weppy.

Stuff here needs judging. EHT, 2 Bijous and a Tomb in PIG Park. Ask for your free souvenier. EHT (14 blocks) is available for a new design. Ask about details.

Tune something and win a prize!

Stuff I'm working on

Test of Mosaic -- I need a few handfulls of tiles for the design
OINKopolis -- A Mega to serve South River Plains
RP Sphinx Project -- sooo much clay, silt, and slate



Buy List Looking to purchase the following items in any quantity. Silt, jugs, mushrooms: Brain, Earth Light, Slaves Bread, Eye of Osiris, Dueling Serpents; dates, cuttable stone, cuttable gems (mainly lapis but will take others also), cuttable stone, charcoal.

Sell List I have silk, large rubies, topaz, huge diamonds, eggshells, limestone, lithium ore, cobra venom, blood, tinctures: Potash, Fertilizer, Explosives; cement, thermometers, mirrors, ink, mushrooms: acorns cap, camels mane, fish hook, heart of ash, nefertari's crown, peasant foot, ra's awakening, scorpions brood; Marble: Oyster Shell, Mud Granite, Yellow Alabaster, White Travertine, Island Blue, Mountain Marble, and Tiger's Eye


Str 7, Dex 0, End 4, Spd 7, Con 7, Foc 9, Per 7

Indonesian Beekeeper, Silk Farmer, Brewer, Vintner -- See Festival for availability.

Navigation 7, Mechanics 7, Lab Construction 2, Camp Decoration 4, Viticulture 2, Pyro Mastery

Gastro 253, Wine Tasting 253, Beer Tasting 160


Oracle of Architecture (Obelisk, Octec, Pyramid, Towers, Megalopolis, Funerary Temple, Pheonix)

Oracle of Worship (Marriage, Alignment, Pilgrimage, Festivals, Visions, Beacons, Vigils)

Sage of Thought (Empty Hand, Pulse of the People, Set's Ladder, Tomb of the Immortal, Bijou)

Master of Body (Bedouin, Acrobat, Banquet, Reason, Darkest Night) -- Takeshot Rank 1

Master of Leadership (Mentorship, Trust, Patronage, Bureaucrat, Hegemon)

Journeywoman of Art (Opticon, Beetles, Formal Garden) -- Gliderport and Chime Tower need judges. Pyro 17. Beauty of Night 1.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Map of Egypt




Location Building Notes
1387, 1763 Formal Garden Passed; Display of 6 Championship beetles and an array of flowers from around the world in a variety of breeds, sizes, and colors.
1416, 1938 PIG Park Tomb, EHT, 2 Bijous here.
564, 3275 Pulse of the People Passed; At Keyhole Mega - A Classic Survey!
1191, 3364 Raeli Gliderport Best viewing area is from the altar, so you'll need to tack the Glider menu then run down there before you Launch the sequence
1452, 1232 Limestone Mines Limestone available for trade
3143, -2034 Raeli Oven See Raeli
2560, 914 Raeli Oven See Raeli
655, 2500 Lithium Mines Lithium ore available for trade
1975, -4195 Tar We have a supply of Tar available at camp for easy trade.
1545, -317 Obiwan's Hideaway Our first southern outpost with camels and growing veggies. Now completely overrun by Ygerna's garden
1146, 2676 White Sand 3 Usable Glazier Benches
1228, 2077 Pyramid of the Deep Ocean Consecrated by Obiwan
1656, 1959 Pyramid of the People Consecrated by Turous
1787, 1512 Yellow Alabaster
1804, 1495 Yellow Alabaster
1916, 1551 Night Granite
1772, 1634 Mud Granite
1380, 1763 White Travertine
1371, 1762 White Travertine
1358, 1696 White Travertine

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Last edited August 8, 2004 9:19 pm by homegrown (diff)
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